If the O can convert 3rd downs, we'll win 10 games this year, and the D will magically look better. If we don't, and time of possession stays around 26 minutes, our D will improve minimally. Minimally will not make anyone happy.
Check time of possession last year. We were UNDER 26 to the other teams' 34+. Now tell me the O wasn't running the D into the ground. They were playing more than half a quarter more per game than the O, because the O couldn't convert 3rd downs. I'm not saying I like the D performance, but when you are thin on depth, talent, and experience, being on the field 34+ minutes a game will take a severe toll.
While I would have phrased it differently, I agree with the notion that the O ran the D into the ground. Its not srupid if its the truth
As many 3 and outs as there were - they were just gassed all too often.
I saw the same **** under Coker and Shannon. And way worse at times in Shannon 's first season
Generally a team with a bad Oline will kill their defense. 3 and outs, sacks, INTs etc.
Morris hurt the D, but the gameplan and Oline will be critical to improved D stats.
I think either QB would do better the Morris did because both are more mature as leaders (dare I say, managers)