Taking L's to the cornball.

Lol at this thread. Taking L's to FSU? We locked up more talent in the early signing period than FSU will have in both signing periods combined, but somehow we are taking L's? If we do not sign another player this cycle, which that will never happen, we will still have a better class than F$U and UF.

It's like people on this board are secretly hoping for F$U to succeed. ****, they are not even doing it in secret anymore. ****, just ****!

It's all the semenhole/canes we have around here taking up for fsu.
Yeah they cry about 5 player that went through the semenholes but ignore the many many that signed with us instead of them.
This year is not the one for them to keep score...but it's more like 100 to 5
I’ve been trying to tell people since he was hired that Taggart is no joke.

Dude might be corny but he’s **** competent.

Our definition of competent is different. He’s 47-50 as a Head Coach.

That being said, he’s not a bad recruiter.

Well at least you acknowledge that.

nobody is a bad recruiter at FSU

He had put together the best class in Oregon history before he left.

That's another lie. Stop throating taggart you're embarrassing yourself.
It hurts, ain't gonna lie. Guy tweets like a single mom, has bad edits, and he's taken 3 croots away already. Peters was never that serious but the staff really wanted Jalen Goss and Dennis Briggs to close the class. Not concerned but the threat level is in the yellow/orange range.

This is probably my last post because CIS is a Mad Max wasteland now.

Oh, and Mods, stop censoring my man JJaxBro; he is the leader canesinsight needs at this moment of unrest.

I think something fans need to understand is that FSU/UF aren’t going to all of a sudden get nobody while we get everyone. We cleaned up in the early signing period and those guys are going to get a few for themselves. A lot of that is because of that very lack of success in the early term.

There will be some misses, but this staff is running laps around other FL programs in all phases, currently.

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