Off-Topic Supplements

This with Orange Blossom Honey every single morning for the last 10yrs...(In warm Tea form)

So does the brand of creatine matter? When looking at the ingredient list between 2 products both will say "Creatine monohydrate". Is there a difference? I'll hang up and listen
@JHallCanes and @AlexCane

Hoping you'll indulge me in a curbside supplement consult. Here's what I'm currently taking, please let me know if you think I'm missing something beneficial or I'm using something you wouldn't recommend.

Ritual Men's Multivitamin
Vimerson Health Glucosamine/Chondroitin/Tumeric/MSM
Animal Creatine Monohydrate Chews (I strongly prefer the chews vs powder... I know, I know)
BPN Strong Greens
I probably have one or two smoothies a week that I make myself, and if I do I add a scoop of ON Gold Standard Plant Protein.

Maybe relevant background: I'm 41, currently exercise 5-6 days a week (~40 minutes per, plus warm-up/stretch), alternating strength days (mostly calisthenics in a circuit other than dumb bell press, curls, and tri rises) with cardio (I use a rower). Generally healthy (knock on wood).

Don't feel obliged to respond if I'm putting you on a mission. Appreciate any insight.
I forgot to respond to this.

So, I'm not a supplement guy that much anymore. The only thing consistently in my ****nal is protein, creatine, and collagen. Every now and then I'll try something different, but I always return to those three. Right now, I'm doing some fish oil and turmeric because I have a cyst behind my knee that's giving me a little headache but I don't know if it's doing a thing. I figure it can't hurt.

Some random thoughts:
  • Creatine chews are fine. I use them too but on my off-days. Why aren't you using creatine powder when you make a shake? It's so much cheaper. If you are doing 3-5 g daily of creatine, the chews are close to cost-prohibitive unless you want to drop big bucks for something that costs a mere percentage in powdered form.
  • I tried greens a long time ago. I can't say I noticed anything. I too have a pretty weak stomach. For likely less $, I consume about 8 servings of sauerkraut or kimchi or similar products a week. That thing has done wonders for my stomach. It also helps that I've pretty much avoided any milk based products throughout the week with the exception of the protein shake which is dairy based. Love dairy and cheese, but it's not optimal for me. I try to limit that stuff to the weekend.
  • I thought the latest data on glucosamine/chondroitin was pretty weak?
PS The filter is messed up. Really, a r s e nal is black-listed?! LOL.
So does the brand of creatine matter? When looking at the ingredient list between 2 products both will say "Creatine monohydrate". Is there a difference? I'll hang up and listen
There are some different forms of creatine but yeah, stick to monohydrate. Not sure if any of the other forms has been determined to be anything other than marketing.
Most everyone won't concern themselves with stopped up arteries until they suffer a heart attack, stroke, or just lose good circulation which causes a buttload of problems.

However, if you wish to consider preventing plaque buildup, and cholesterol build up - you might want to consider:

Vitamin K2. This reduces and disengages calcium aka plaque in the arteries, and guides it back to the bones where it belongs.

Nattokinase - This keeps the blood "slippery." It acts like a natural blood thinner - but it's not a blood "thinner." If you're ON blood thinners, might want to consult with a doctor - I was prescribed a blood thinner a while back and don't like the idea of bleeding like hail with every cut - so what happens if you have an internal injury? Went with Nattokinase - and everything is down - blood pressure, on and on.

Serrapeptase - This comes from the silkworm, When the larvae needs to break out of its cocoon, which is some tough stuff - it produces this enzyme which breaks down the cocoon fibrin, and it come out. Serrapeptase will consume cholesterol buildup, as well as works on plaque, and any other things you may have picked up if you took the clot shots.

Do NOT take my word for anything - do your own research. There's a war against supplements as well as re-purposing drugs where the patent has run out. ie: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and even Chlorine DIoxide. All anti-parasitics. All attack cancer and seems to kill off the causes of many other sicknesses, illnesses, conditions, and other health problems.

I'm from the camp that nano-pathogens are pleomorphic - they can quicky change from one type of pathogen to another - if the local environment is more advantageous to change into.

Viruses can change into bacterium, or even change to fungi once again, or even go back from fungi to viral form. Which is why so many things are so hard to kill. But if you're not differentiating - and killing off these pleomorphic parasites - dead is dead. And that might be why they seem to work against so many diseases and conditions.

Sorry took so long - now I'm out of here and you guys do your own homework.
I forgot to respond to this.

So, I'm not a supplement guy that much anymore. The only thing consistently in my ****nal is protein, creatine, and collagen. Every now and then I'll try something different, but I always return to those three. Right now, I'm doing some fish oil and turmeric because I have a cyst behind my knee that's giving me a little headache but I don't know if it's doing a thing. I figure it can't hurt.

Some random thoughts:
  • Creatine chews are fine. I use them too but on my off-days. Why aren't you using creatine powder when you make a shake? It's so much cheaper. If you are doing 3-5 g daily of creatine, the chews are close to cost-prohibitive unless you want to drop big bucks for something that costs a mere percentage in powdered form.
  • I tried greens a long time ago. I can't say I noticed anything. I too have a pretty weak stomach. For likely less $, I consume about 8 servings of sauerkraut or kimchi or similar products a week. That thing has done wonders for my stomach. It also helps that I've pretty much avoided any milk based products throughout the week with the exception of the protein shake which is dairy based. Love dairy and cheese, but it's not optimal for me. I try to limit that stuff to the weekend.
  • I thought the latest data on glucosamine/chondroitin was pretty weak?
PS The filter is messed up. Really, a r s e nal is black-listed?! LOL.

Thanks for the response and much appreciated! Good idea on the powder creatine for the shake days. I do 5g daily on the chews and paying for the convenience, but on the weekend it would be easy enough to put them in the smoothies I'm already consuming and save myself a few bucks.

Kimchi is definitely in my diet, but not often enough to really keep my stomach happy. I do a solid job limiting my dairy (with the exception of the occasional pizza), and even my protein is plant based + almond milk. That's more out of necessity than anything else, though, lol. But greens first thing in the morning before anything touches my stomach has made a pretty noticeable for me, at least.

Yeah, everything I've read on glucosamine/chondroitin is that it's maybe useful for inflammatory diseases like RA. As far as general joint health, not so much. Based on some of the feedback I think I may swap it out and sub in the type II collagen.

Thanks again for the response!
My man. @AlexCane this is the Fitness Thread 2.0??

I will say holy **** I feel for anyone out there lost trying to find answers about health and fitness on social media

All it is is circular arguments meant to drive clicks

It’s BAD out there

/also take your Creatine. Everyone.

Substitute "politics" for "health and fitness"...

In fact you can substitute anything for "health and fitness" and you see why we are ****ed.
Substitute "politics" for "health and fitness"...

In fact you can substitute anything for "health and fitness" and you see why we are ****ed.
You’re not wrong my man. You’re not wrong at all

People are literally frozen in fear that every choice they make with food or exercise or whatever is “wrong”
Most everyone won't concern themselves with stopped up arteries until they suffer a heart attack, stroke, or just lose good circulation which causes a buttload of problems.

However, if you wish to consider preventing plaque buildup, and cholesterol build up - you might want to consider:

Vitamin K2. This reduces and disengages calcium aka plaque in the arteries, and guides it back to the bones where it belongs.

Nattokinase - This keeps the blood "slippery." It acts like a natural blood thinner - but it's not a blood "thinner." If you're ON blood thinners, might want to consult with a doctor - I was prescribed a blood thinner a while back and don't like the idea of bleeding like hail with every cut - so what happens if you have an internal injury? Went with Nattokinase - and everything is down - blood pressure, on and on.

Serrapeptase - This comes from the silkworm, When the larvae needs to break out of its cocoon, which is some tough stuff - it produces this enzyme which breaks down the cocoon fibrin, and it come out. Serrapeptase will consume cholesterol buildup, as well as works on plaque, and any other things you may have picked up if you took the clot shots.

Do NOT take my word for anything - do your own research. There's a war against supplements as well as re-purposing drugs where the patent has run out. ie: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and even Chlorine DIoxide. All anti-parasitics. All attack cancer and seems to kill off the causes of many other sicknesses, illnesses, conditions, and other health problems.

I'm from the camp that nano-pathogens are pleomorphic - they can quicky change from one type of pathogen to another - if the local environment is more advantageous to change into.

Viruses can change into bacterium, or even change to fungi once again, or even go back from fungi to viral form. Which is why so many things are so hard to kill. But if you're not differentiating - and killing off these pleomorphic parasites - dead is dead. And that might be why they seem to work against so many diseases and conditions.

Sorry took so long - now I'm out of here and you guys do your own homework.

I’ve been heavily focused on prevention here and it’s why I brought up the Citrulline thing earlier

K2 is one of those supps (particularly the MenaQ parent pending one) that I really like for just about anyone

A lot of companies have wisely started combining K2 with D3 since they are a bit synergistic

Which reminds me anyone that takes D3 supps gotta make sure your magnesium is on point as well. D3 won’t do much if you’re deficient

Nattokinase is awesome man. Awesome stuff
There are some different forms of creatine but yeah, stick to monohydrate. Not sure if any of the other forms has been determined to be anything other than marketing.
Yeah the supplement industry keeps trying to come up with “expensive Creatine” because they’re so ****ed how cheap they made it and now everyone is on to how good it is

Monohydrate still the king

Actually I could share this savage email conversation I had with this one company that peddles a nonsense Creatine form as superior

Companies reach out to me all the time wanting me to try things and what not and they hit me up with a marketing email. It did not go well 😂
So does the brand of creatine matter? When looking at the ingredient list between 2 products both will say "Creatine monohydrate". Is there a difference? I'll hang up and listen
It does not matter technically. We all order it from the same places in China

But…I personally stick to companies like NutraBio that post their testing results

It would take a really shady company to skirt the rules but Creatine got really scarce and really expensive for a while and that’s when weird **** can happen

I could talk for days about testing here but while the FDA doesn’t technically regulate supplements, the whole “Wild West” thing where people are like oh it’s not regulated…is not accurate

The FDA regulates the manufacturing processes and there’s specific testing manufacturers are supposed to do to follow the laws. Some people out there still try and get around it though
@JHallCanes you taking creatine year-round or are you cycling?
I take it mostly year round. There’s really nothing that specifically says we need to cycle it

But like most supplements it’s probably prudent to give your receptors a little break from time to time

We normally preach the 3-5g every day approach because chances are people won’t remember to do it every day so it evens out

If that makes sense
I take it mostly year round. There’s really nothing that specifically says we need to cycle it

But like most supplements it’s probably prudent to give your receptors a little break from time to time

We normally preach the 3-5g every day approach because chances are people won’t remember to do it every day so it evens out

If that makes sense
I find the chews make it easier to take creatine each day. I had quit creatine on off-days because the taste of powder was too crummy mixed with water; and I just didn't care enough and am too **** old to grin and bear it. 20-something-year-old me would've done it but too old now!
I find the chews make it easier to take creatine each day. I had quit creatine on off-days because the taste of powder was too crummy mixed with water; and I just didn't care enough and am too **** old to grin and bear it. 20-something-year-old me would've done it but too old now!
I just throw a scoop in my postworkout shake and make it easy

Since I lift 5-6 sometimes 7 days a week it just works easy that way
I don’t want to spam the board with sales BS but I dropped my new product over the weekend

Spent the last 5 years or so researching some different mechanisms that relate to degenerative brain diseases and settled on a daily “multivitamin for the brain” concept that also gives a nice boost of mental energy without stimulants

My man. @AlexCane this is the Fitness Thread 2.0??

I will say holy **** I feel for anyone out there lost trying to find answers about health and fitness on social media

All it is is circular arguments meant to drive clicks

It’s BAD out there

/also take your Creatine. Everyone.
I let CiS Bot decided my health needs. God forbid I am faced with terminal illness, I will follow the CiS bot recommendations of 10mg of melatonin, 30 minutes of racquet ball and 20 minutes of looking at booty images posted on this website.
Shoutout to the people that picked up my supplement this week

I didn’t really anticipate that so I’ll make sure I create a discount code for the fellow Canes here for the future

Appreciate y’all