NFL Super Bowl Thread

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Brady has the head to head tiebreaker too. Mahomes would need 8 SBs. Wouldn’t bet on that
Yea... that's tough.... Had the chance to own 3 straight which would've put him in his own class... but now to get to 8.... I mean he can realistically but will he??? Tough, tough climb....
If Miami’s Band of the Hour played at halftime it would have been better than that **** they put on.
Haf time show wuz pure shlt. Don’t say “u white”, “u don’t git it”, “u old”, “u not gen LGQTYZ-+” or inniethang else. I got ears an thar weren’t nuthin good about it. Dat’s da bottom line.
Fellas, trooth iz I’ve never seen a haf time show I thawt wuz good. At lease with Shakira we had sumthin to look at. This show wuz garbage. Any buddy who had anything ta dew with it shood be fired an fined.
You called Kendrick Lamar in the same sentence with autotune, I think everyone can blissfully ignore your position on what good music is.
For real. Calling kendrick lamar of all artists "mumbling, autotune crap" tells everyone what it really is you're mad at, but if you point this out then you’re the one pulling the race card and you’re the one that’s racist lol

******* cry bullies
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