2017 also taxes vets when the goal was to NOT tax them. (fixed now)Focusing on taxes, it means that when a tax law comes out, there are an army of very smart attorneys, accountants, and advisors that pore over the language to find a weakness that wil hit the bottom line. Because of how laws are drafted, how little they are actually reviewed by people voting on it, how complex they are, and how much **** gets loaded into unrelated bills, it is inevitable they will have issues to exploit. However, it takes money to find them, know about them, and take advantage of them.
I have spoken with @SpikeUM about this before, but one of the biggest failures of Trump’s economic package was the Tax Reform of 2017. It started out with a great premise - incentivize companies to repatriate foreign earnings so that we can actually tax it in hopes that would equal capital expenditures and more jobs. Unfortunately they did not close the loophole to ensure it was spent on that and a significant amount of that money went to stock buybacks. That’s one example.
The double Irish Dutch sandwich is another loophole. (loophole closed now)
2017 implemented the removal of writing off property taxes so many pre-paid 2018.
Peter Thiel used his roth ira to buy Paypal stock at $.00037 to make billions tax-free (loophole closed now)