Off-Topic Stock Market & Crypto Discussion

2% is achievable, but not under this admin and Congress.

I am not a fan of a strong dollar, other countries artificially cheapen their currency to make their exports more attractive, but all we are doing is hurting our domestic industry and middle class. A stronger dollar also hurts our exporters.

Lastly, health care costs are not going down, they are skyrocketing.
There have been new regulations involving Merit Incentive Payment System, and HCAHPS surveys that all add cost to the provider. So when you get a bill now, a few pennies of that goes toward paying for satisfaction surveys and reports to the government. that are supposedly going to help on the macro level, but I have no idea when or how.

We definitely have a trade deficit so we are importing more than we are exporting, so the strong dollar helps.
Drug prices should go down, but since covid, health care costs have suffered. I don’t know what we can do about that.
You are right, 2% is achievable but it takes a sledgehammer approach. We have lost the middle class since we started buying cheap imports decades ago.Most wage earners live week to week. “Made in America” makes sense with certain products, but not all. If we cut Medicare and Social Security we will drive the elderly into poverty. As much as I hate to say it, we need more revenue. Personally I would add a National Sales tax, just pennies on the dollar. Even illegals would pay in, but it won’t happen.

There are multiple reasons for our trade deficit, but it should be a national policy to reduce it, especially against a country like China.

Two of the biggest inflation components are oil and housing. Our Federal and many state governments have a war on oil. Regardless of how you feel about climate change, short and medium term we are economically killing ourselves. Other than through a severe recession, oil will only keep going up, year after year.

Housing is similar. The "reforms" passed after the Great Recession made it very difficult for banks to lend and mortgages to be made, etc. Couple that with all of the regulatory requirements at all levels, and its only generally profitable to build A housing in red states. So we have a severe shortage of housing, especially below A, which only gets worse year and year.

So to summarize, unless we change our policies/regulations on housing and fossil fuels, we are condemning ourselves to high inflation,
There are multiple reasons for our trade deficit, but it should be a national policy to reduce it, especially against a country like China.

Two of the biggest inflation components are oil and housing. Our Federal and many state governments have a war on oil. Regardless of how you feel about climate change, short and medium term we are economically killing ourselves. Other than through a severe recession, oil will only keep going up, year after year.

Housing is similar. The "reforms" passed after the Great Recession made it very difficult for banks to lend and mortgages to be made, etc. Couple that with all of the regulatory requirements at all levels, and its only generally profitable to build A housing in red states. So we have a severe shortage of housing, especially below A, which only gets worse year and year.

So to summarize, unless we change our policies/regulations on housing and fossil fuels, we are condemning ourselves to high inflation,
We are still producing oil, gas and coal, thanks to Manchin. Geopolitics is creating spikes in gas prices. We have depend on OPEC, Russia is punishing Europe, because of Ukraine, and Iran and Venezuela are pieces of ****.
We need to move on ASAP. Housing was causing lumber, metal and everything else, that is needed, to go sky high. The Fed knew that rising interest rates would crush the housing market. Again, I don’t think we need to go down to 2% inflation. We are already seeing retail lowering prices because they are overstocked. This is a normal economic cycle, aggravated by a war and supply shortages caused by covid. [supply and demand]. We kept interest rates low for too long and now we are paying the price of a prolonged quantitative easing. With all that said, inflation is stubborn and is difficult to reduce without pain.
Personal consumption is dropping. Less inflationary

USDPersonal Consumption Expenditures - Price Index (MoM)(Jul) -0.1% -1.730.6% 1% 12:30USDPersonal Consumption Expenditures - Price Index (YoY)(Jul) 6.3% -3.317.4% 6.8%
Consumer sentiment slightly higher than consensus. 58.2.
Gone are the days that they were 90-100. Lol smdh
Market has calmed down and all before we dipped below Dow 30k!
Yes…We are seeing inflation slowly decreasing. When the Fed. starts lowering rate hikes to 50 then 25, we’ll see a bump.
Also some the monster stocks, like AAPL, will start buying back shares with the billions they are sitting on.
The Fed wants the mkt to drop. Hopefully after a Sept. 75 hike we drop to 50 and 25. Hopefully buybacks coming.
Cash is king.
The Fed wants the mkt to drop. Hopefully after a Sept. 75 hike we drop to 50 and 25. Hopefully buybacks coming.
Cash is king.
The inflation has tanked cash. Only thing worse is how bad the stock market dropping has screwed me the past couple years.
The inflation has tanked cash. Only thing worse is how bad the stock market dropping has screwed me the past couple years.
Then you just have to wait it out. When the Fed has inflation under control, we will see new highs. The economy is still strong. Even though it’s impossible to pick the bottom, cash buys you discounted quality stocks.