Stay tuned

Mario wont do gattis how we did manny lol that was messed up hahah honestly im getting worried about him coming back for another year

Mario is a professional especially the way he carry himself… Gattis is most likely looking for a job elsewhere and he’s been considered for some lower Hc jobs which Mario doesn’t want to mess up for him by firing him
Hungry Feed Me GIF by Arizona Cardinals
Mullen and Herman spread it out and dictate run downs and run situations with personnel and play tendencies. They are willing to throw the ball all day, all game if they have to. For them, players in the box dictate your whole game and strategy.

Mario wants to run the ball to simply run it. To have an established run game as an alternative at all times. It's more old school, less effective and less efficient. Tighter splits, more tight ends to draw in linebackers... he doesn't care about space too much.
Love both those OC candidates they actually call a game correctly and actually understand how to run an offense the right way. U can throw on Mullens O from any team and he puts up points. I agree with u I believe he’s the perfect fit for Mario other than him not loving recruiting like Mario but hopefully Mario can do that part for him