Staff better grow

Supposedly you still can only have 11 dedicated recruiters. This may open up getting coaches that don't want to recruit and assigning the best recruiters with the designation.
Exactly. It’s why was wondering how much they will get paid? Ex-HC with buyout money probably be inexpensive but others might seek $100k?
Huge. 4 best analysts on staff in my opinion are 1. Ed Pata 2. Stroud 3. Donovan Varner 4. Max Drisko. Letting all 4 actively coach is going to help us a lot. Drisko goes back deep into air raid roots from days at Texas Tech and Kentucky.

There are obviously some other familiar names.. Cooney, Hyppolite, Sabbath Joseph, etc.
Stroud is a senior advisor not a analyst so can he still coach under these new rules?
If you say pause 3x @Dwinstitles magically appears
No one will fit in worse with Mario than Dana. Not Gattis and whacking it with custodians, not Kevin "DUI" Smith. Dana likes Denny's waitresses 2 at a time and shows up hungover at 9am before chugging a 6 pack of Red Bulls

Naw Lane was a worse fit and Mario almost beat his *** a couple times during there Alabama time. But Mario realized and has acknowledged Lane abilities to design an offense to expose a defenses weakness.

Dana as just a game planner and play caller was elite. Not sure if that’s the case anymore or even he has the desire anymore now that he fat bank account. But he is interested, having him in the film room with Dawson breaking down film during the week and in the booth during the game getting a Birds Eye view shouldn’t interfere with his other activities.
Not nearly enough juvenile reaction to the title of this post. CIS, I am disappoint.

Shoutout to the handful of guys who had the balls to make **** jokes.