I guess this is how they will add seats.
Apparently, they will make the field lower, providing the slope they need for additional (and closer) sideline seats.
Check this out. Mouse over "football" and proposed "football". Look at the profile at lower left.
That is a nice looking upgrade.
That is a nice looking upgrade.
Looks like something that can be blown away in one hurricane. Still, better than what it was?
That is a nice looking upgrade.
Looks like something that can be blown away in one hurricane. Still, better than what it was?
Yes, its much better since half the people that attend games come back and **** about how hot it was and that they had to sit in the sun for 3 hours. This fixes that.
he is literally pulling that out of his a$$. the whole idea of this renovation is to move seats closer to the field and there are plenty of good seats now. certainly enough for the amount of fans that show up.
How exactly would they move seats closer to the field? They are adding seats closer, but the existing stands, which will still account for 95+% of the seats will still be far as **** from the field! like they've always been. The playing surface at Sunlife is so wide you can literally fit two fields side by side in there. It's too **** big. It was a stupid design.
It was made for football and baseball you ******* idiot. You think they thought it was a good idea to make it like that just for football? rocks for brains!
Dumb****, it was made for football and soccer, and so that it could be modified for baseball later, and it was a bad idea to begin with beacuse it sucks for all three (except maybe soccer, and who ******* cares about soccer). I know what they were thinking, it was still stupid. Thanks for your contribution, now stfu and let the adults talk.
Actually, no. It was made for football and baseball, and so that it could potentially be modified for soccer. I've posted the link from when the stadium was build that describes this more than once on this board; I'll see if I can find it again. Whatever the case, rest assured that football and baseball were the main reasons, with the additional hopeful benefit that the stadium might also occasionally host a soccer game.