Agree. But LCE said it best earlier. Since we disclosed the amount that we can pay someone at the position, anything less than a proven commodity is going to be frowned upon. The thought is that we can pay for the best, so why not get the best. Getting a guy like Whipple is a move that previous coaches would do to save on money that we didn’t have and we have seen that pre-Enos (first hire that got a decent contract at this university in the modern era). Who is the next up and comer that can right this ship?
Given the change in our financial commitment, the assumption is that if we can pay, why not? I believe that the reality is that we are so late in this process right now that if the person isn’t a proven commodity that has managed to keep things really quiet, then it is a lesser known, which equates more to a value hire. Which ultimately begs the question that if we could pay for “more”, why hire that guy?
I for one believe that they give him a reasonable contract and let him prove himself. If he falls on his face (possible, but unlikely), can him and start the search for the proven commodity earlier, when there is a market to choose from. But the Joe Brady talk immediately put this search on another level. Even when Candle was leaked, it had some in this board melting down.
I for one just want to see the coaching staff come to completion and focus on what to expect in 2022.