Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Wrong. Not having to wait until the afternoon gets my vote. You wait too long, afternoon becomes evening. Next thing you know she, or he in your case, is too tired, or their headache has come back. No no no. Never procrastinate.

Friend, I was talking about Barry Jackson articles…

1. Macho Man Randy Savage
2. The Rock
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
4. HBK
5. Bret Hart
6. Razor Ramon/Scott Hall
7. Davey Boy Smith
8. Sting
9 Eddie Guerrero
10. (Don't judge me) 1-2-3 Kid/Syxx/X-Pac

Yes, Undertaker is not in my top 10. He in my top 20, though. Just those characters combined with their wrestling captured me more than a big guy playing dead who get his power from an urn.
Number 10 is super underrated
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
No stone cold cmon bruh
And Stone Cold? Too redneck for ya?
I liked Stone Cold, but his character was better than his ability, he wasn’t really a great worker, but had legendary gimmick.

I listen to his podcast all the time.

I prefer athletic workers over most, just my personal preference as far as wrestling is concerned.

But I understand that most people believe he’s arguably the greatest ever.
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
No Goldgerg?
I liked Stone Cold, but his character was better than his ability, he wasn’t really a great worker, but had legendary gimmick.

I listen to his podcast all the time.

I prefer athletic workers over most, just my personal preference as far as wrestling is concerned.

But I understand that most people believe he’s arguably the greatest ever.
Sorry for doubting your eval skills, your spot on. His character/persona is one of the best ever. But it’s Rock and Taker for me at 1-2
I wasn’t alive when those guys were wrestling.

My era was Attitude era & Ruthless aggression era, Ima WWF/E, WCW baby.

I wasn’t around during the NWA & territories era of wrestling of the 70’s & early 80’s.
Haha. I figured. You can tell on these lists when someone grew up. I’m just messing. I’m an 80s guy myself too but would watch any vhs or replays of some of the late 70s. Some great characters. I grew up a Hulkster, eating my vitamins and trying to rip my tshirts off. Stopped watching around late 90s
Baby Reaction GIF
I liked Stone Cold, but his character was better than his ability, he wasn’t really a great worker, but had legendary gimmick.

I listen to his podcast all the time.

I prefer athletic workers over most, just my personal preference as far as wrestling is concerned.

But I understand that most people believe he’s arguably the greatest ever.
It was the Owen incident at Summerslam that changed his wrestling style to a brawler.

He was pretty **** good when he was stunning.
I loved Crispen Wahhh...

But for obvious reasons I left him off.

But in terms of pure wrestling ability, he’s no doubt in the top 10.

I’d swap out a few here and there from your list, but would have to think through my Wrestling Top 25….

Macho would be in there. Not @Coach Macho - but I wouldn’t wrestle him for chicken wings that’s for god **** sure..
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