Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
Disqualified for no Chris Jericho and Stone Cold

1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
Got ****, that is crazy specific.
Best there is, best there was, best there ever will be:

bret hart wrestling GIF by WWE
Mine is this guy.

1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
Dynamite Kid was the ****.
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
Man! Listing coaches and coordinators is your real superpower my friend. I’m disappointed in this list. Not enough old school characters in there 🤔
1. Macho Man Randy Savage
2. The Rock
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
4. HBK
5. Bret Hart
6. Razor Ramon/Scott Hall
7. Davey Boy Smith
8. Sting
9 Eddie Guerrero
10. (Don't judge me) 1-2-3 Kid/Syxx/X-Pac

Yes, Undertaker is not in my top 10. He in my top 20, though. Just those characters combined with their wrestling captured me more than a big guy playing dead who get his power from an urn.
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
No Gorgeous George
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
I approve of this list except swap 2 and 3.... and where the f is the rattlesnake 3:16?

Also, Curt Henning over Triple H? Got to question your evaluation skills now LCE.
Man! Listing coaches and coordinators is your real superpower my friend. I’m disappointed in this list. Not enough old school characters in there 🤔
I wasn’t alive when those guys were wrestling.

My era was Attitude era & Ruthless aggression era, Ima WWF/E, WCW baby.

I wasn’t around during the NWA & territories era of wrestling of the 70’s & early 80’s.
1. The Rock
2. Bret “The Hitman” Hart
3. Undertaker “The Deadman” & “American Badass”
4. Booker T
5. Kane “The Big Red Machine”
6. “Big ****” Kevin Nash
7. Sting
8. Rey Mysterio Jr
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Scott Hall/ Razor Ramon
11. Ted “The Million Dollar Man” DiBiase
12. Shawn “HBK” Michaels
13. Dynamite Kid
14. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
15. Curt Henning
Very solid list. No Chris Benoit?
I approve of this list except swap 2 and 3.... and where the f is the rattlesnake 3:16?

Also, Curt Henning over Triple H? Got to question your evaluation skills now LCE.
I’m not a big fan of Triple H...

Curt Hennig is your favorite wrestler’s favorite wrestler.

The greatest seller in the history of the business, he was an extraordinary ring worker as well.
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