If you’re unsure of Candle’s offense, do yourself a favor & go watch some full games on YouTube.
If you come away unimpressed or still not liking the potentiality of his offense at Miami, then that’s fine.
I just encourage any of you, pick out a handful of games to watch over the last few years (Candle has been OC & play caller at Toledo since 2012) & inform yourself, that’s the best way to answer any question or skepticism you may have, be it good or bad.
People always wonder how I’m so on the ball & on point when it comes to coaches, it’s because I actually watch & take mental notes of their play sequences & the methodology they go about attacking defenses & their approach to play calling & that’s based off my experience as a former player & brief time as a CB coach as well. The easiest thing in the world to do is formulate your own opinion based on evidence.