Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Such a bad look for the coaches to be announcing themselves. I’m sure Athletic Dept is understaffed with the changeover but this isn’t hard.
Alternate theory- it’s a great way to get our new staff followers ….
What your thoughts on this? I get the appeal of having local connections but this is wild

Sooooo Canes Twitter took 3 days to announce Kevin Smith from the day it was obvious.

Now you know the lag at best. Bc Mirabel took 3 weeks lol.
If we getting a morning announcement I think it could mean there is more to come.
I feel like everyone that's been announced has had significant smoke by the time it was made official. I would think the only other person that would potentially be announced today is TRob which would obviously settle a lot of things.

If it's LB, OC, DC, etc then these would be announcements totally out of the blue. Yes there's been talks about Glenn, Mason, Briles, etc but none of that was backed by anything substantial (ex: Kevin Smith announcing he's leaving Ole Miss after rumors that we're going after him).

For LB, DC, and OC though it's mostly just message board gossip. So would be shocking if they announced any of those hires.

Edit: So my thinking is that we maybe see some smoke (Feldman or someone else reporting we've honed in on X name for DC and Y name for OC) over the next few days and then some sort of announcement next week.
No disrespect to LCE or Macho, from the short time I’ve been on here I respect their opinions more than others but…. U guys dont think forming your own opinions is a better way to gauge if you’d be happy or not? Just curious
No. Not for me when it comes to this. Those guys know football. Not all of us do and there’s a chunk of us who can be honest about it. I assume you know the technical aspects of the game and so I understand why you would ask the question.

For me, it’s better to acknowledge what I don’t know than pretend otherwise. I’ve seen people get demolished in careers, in life… doing that.
What your thoughts on this? I get the appeal of having local connections but this is wild

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Mario wants to lock down South Florida, I like it. Also, some of the names on that list are from Miami, but have extensive connections in other areas of the country. Cristobal/Mirabal probably have more West Coast connections at this point than South Florida connections. TRob has recruited up and down the Southeast, and has plenty of clout in the Carolinas and other Deep South states. Same with Kevin Smith. Bain just came over from the Midwest, etc.

Just because you have some tie to South Florida doesn't necessarily mean that you lack connections in other, important parts of the country.
What your thoughts on this? I get the appeal of having local connections but this is wild

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I think this was the dude that was stalking on Florence's twitter page asking him about cancelling his trip/is UM out of it. Call me old fashioned but thats weird to be a grown man hitting a teenager's twitter account for information on a personal situation.
Coaches gotta pass background checks, limbo under some legal red tape, before they can officially be announced. Don't know why that shocks anyone, or why people point the finger at Mario for being slow to announce them.

I know lots of posters here work at Walmart or McDonalds where people start the day after they are hired, but that's not the case with every job. 🤣
They do, but the other announcements tossed in the caveat of subject to background checks.
Coaches gotta pass background checks, limbo under some legal red tape, before they can officially be announced. Don't know why that shocks anyone, or why people point the finger at Mario for being slow to announce them.

I know lots of posters here work at Walmart or McDonalds where people start the day after they are hired, but that's not the case with every job. 🤣
They must be getting top secret federal clearance
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