Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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A Maude warp zone…I’m on my way

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These pages are moving too slow, we need 600. Lets ignite the fire.

Didn't Cribby say these announcements were going to originally be made on the 1st? Didn't brooklyndee say by ends week....last week.

Have things gone horribly wrong? Ponce and Hurtt looking like the choice now?

Ya, I would have laughed at this post a week ago; now, it’s just depressing.
There is a difference between thorough and indecisive.

I believe part of the frustration may revolve around the idea that this board was led to believe our staff was already hired and just waiting to be announced. If that is truly the case, there is no reason to wait any longer.

On the flip side, I’m starting to think we had some guys lined up that later told Mario “no” in the eleventh hour. And no, I’m not referring exclusively to the RBs coach.

Unfortunately, that makes more sense at this point in time. I guess we’ll all just have to wait and see, but after all this time, Mario has a lot of pressure on him to hit this out of the park.
Agree with all of this. And it's very possible guys changed their minds, but like any other interview process, you have the next offer ready to go to the next guy in line.
So which is going to happen first. The Dolphins hire a new HC and have a staff in place or Mario hires the OC and DC?
Listening to the Cyrus Moss interview, he threw out a significant nugget. He was asked essentially why Miami and he said with some of the coaches coming together and after talking with Coach Joe, Coach Belk....
Did he really say that?
We were led astray about paying top dollar, if we are whiffing on hires. (We may not be but we shall see)
We're paying top dollar in the ACC, but we probably still don't have the money to compete with some of these SEC schools like LSU and, hate to say it, probably even Florida.

Also look at what some of these top schools are doing. LSU has maybe the top assistant pool in the country but hired 2 NFL position coaches to fill their coordinator spots. Clemson just promoted a bunch of positions coaches. UF fans are *****ing about whiffing on a number of coaching targets. Seems like we're in the same position as most of these other big time schools.

Ultimately, if we start competing for ACC titles every year, the University will commit more money to our staff and our OCs/DCs will get plucked for HC roles and our position coaches will get plucked for coordinator roles. If coaches think they can ascend the ladder by coming to Miami, they'll come here even if it requires taking a pay cut. That's our path forward.
On the bright side coaches named so far vast majority here approve. On the dim side the 2 most important hires are now causing major concern. Just hope they are named by this Fri or this board will go ballistic
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