Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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With the targets that Mario is going after it’s really unlikely he ends on the field. Hayward is a more likely candidate at nickels/OLB. If it comes down to it, I think there’s a better chance of DVD ending up on field than Smith

We are not having a nickel / OLB coach. 1 coach for the secondary, and 1 coach for LB.
We are not having a nickel / OLB coach. 1 coach for the secondary, and 1 coach for LB.
I don’t know what the final makeup will be, but there will be 2 of one position group on D, unless we are only going to have 4 D coaches and 6 O coaches. I think it most likely will be a CB and DB coach. In any event, my point was that if we were going to have a nickel/OLB coach it would likely be Hayward amongst others before it would be Smith.
Dennis Smith hasn’t been formally announced yet. I’m thinking it’s because Mario is still working to put all the pieces together.

Maybe if all the pieces fit and there’s spot for a sole ST coach (could also coach nickels or OLB) then he gives it to Smith. But considering the heat Mario is bringing seems like it would be a surprise if Smith ended up on field.
The Sherrone Moore stuff is actually coming from the Michigan boards.
Sherrone Moore has a stellar reputation up there. From what I've been reading they'd throw the kitchen sink at him to retain him. This would include playcalling.

Would probably be a hard pull if that does happen. But if Harbaugh goes in a different direction with the OC role then you gotta think we have a shot. He seems to have an amazing relationship w/ Gattis and Michigan ppl have said to expect another big name to leave the program. Hopefully it's him.
From Michigan board:

I anticipate major reorganization of Michigan’s football staff in the aftermath Josh Gattis’ departure

I’m hearing Matt Weiss will be promoted to offensive coordinator.

I’m hearing that Sherrone Moore will share coordinating and play-calling duties with Weiss.

I’m hearing that Grant Newsome will be promoted to on-field assistant as coaching the tight ends.

I’m hearing that Ron Bellamy will move safeties coach to wide receivers.

I’m hearing that Jay Harbaugh could shift to coaching a position on defense. Which one likely depends on who Harbaugh hires to be his defensive coordinator. That would be in addition to his special teams coaching duties.

If the above is true and Weiss is the OC but splits some responsibilities w/ Moore then I wonder if there's a path for us to steal him.
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