Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Maude’s avoided bans all over the place on and around NSD. Multi offenders were reached out to and when they continued, those few got it. None of us Maudes have you that infraction. We literally tried avoiding by deleting shît all over the place.
Bandrew is an owner? I thought he was head of IT

oh look, this is your superbowl isn't it?

mope's love pulling receipts on people who made relatively normal and fair statements in a different time.

See mopes like ny hate every single hire and complain about every single missed recruit so that they can cash in on a day like today where they get to stalk someone's post from 10 months ago and look like an absolute genius.

excited to see your 24/7 misery finally paying some dividends
The slurpers start all of this schit. If someone doesn't like a hire that is fine, no need to attack them. Just accept they have a differing opinion and move on. The problem is the slurpers feel the need to enforce this rule, that everyone must think the newest coaching hire is great and anyone that disagrees is a troll. If the slurpers just accepted differing opinions and didn't attack the "mopes" the mopes wouldn't feel the need to pull reciepts and defend themselves when they are proven correct. Personally, I have never seen a mope pull a receipt on random posters. I have only seen them pull them on people who have been attacking their correct position for weeks and months and years on end.
The thing is, imagine if a white guy had that message board name. How would you feel about that?

That’s how me and other ****** people felt about seeing his previous screen name on here.
You’re so persecuted.
Why did I get banned for saying D$ doesn’t know ****? Never did get an answer there.
For false information?
To stop you from posting until the name issue was resolved?
For false information?
To stop you from posting until the name issue was resolved?
I had told Inday what to change the name to half a day before I was banned, fwiw. So you’re probably wrong on the second part, without a doubt wrong on the first part.
Obviously I own numerous glocks so I won‘t even mention those but my pride and joy is my hog gun. It’s an AR-10 chambered for 6.5 creedmoor rounds. I also own an .308 Winchester which I use for deer season, a Remington 870 for duck/turkey season plus home protection. For concealed though I use a sig sauer p365. I used to use a Glock 19 or 43 but I was recommended the P365 by my buddy and I absolutely love it. Light, not bulk, and it’s easy to grip. I don’t have any sights or anything like that though. Ask me about my rifles though! I could go on for days!

I love shooting hogs with my 556
I had told Inday what to change the name to half a day before I was banned, fwiw. So you’re probably wrong on the second part, without a doubt wrong on the first part.
We forgot to undo it. Inday asked me if you should be banned and I said no.
@Zbrod95 you’re an avowed and respected hunter who eats what he kills. Since that goes hand in hand with other firearms, like conceal carry type handguns, any recommendations for this looking for a new hand gun for personal protection
I personally use a sig sauer P365 but the best concealed carry is the one you’re the most comfortable with. You’re the one that’s shooting it an carrying it so if you don’t feel comfortable with it then you’re not going to have confidence in it. You’re using it for protection, not to impress anybody.
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