Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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It’s derogatory and offensive as ****. I’m ****** and I’m not the only ****** person on here with a serious issue with it. Substitute in another minority and stereotype and it’s just as bad It’s not acceptable.
So can we say mexistache? Next you’ll tell me rednecks and mullets are offensive.

So can we say mexistache? Next you’ll tell me rednecks and mullets are offensive.
thats offensive GIF
Yeah but during NSD? Have a heart.
Maude’s avoided bans all over the place on and around NSD. Multi offenders were reached out to and when they continued, those few got it. None of us Maudes gave you that infraction. We literally tried avoiding by deleting shît all over the place.
EXACTLY. Yet you turned it into Mario and racism. See my point? You moved the goalposts. And "allegations" lol. You're deliberately fanning the flames. I like you, we like a lot of the same subjects and have fun in Tears, and I think we'd get along a lot better if you didn't mod, but I just straight think you're on the take! :)

I stand by what I said. It's not personal. I'd be the worst mod in the world. It's thankless, but I really don't think you play fair. And not just with me, I see you instigate and for fire on stuff on the board that should be handled privately. Like 99% of people, you're not cut out for this. But you do a LOT of the heavy lifting here, and that's hard to find, and I do respect that. I just think you play favorites and manipulate situations in a big way. No personal offense meant. I would have been happy to have this convo privately as it should be, but you made that impossible.

PS- AGREE. I delete/edit all the time, But this one time he stepped in it or something and got to it before I could call him out. I assume he's done that plenty if I saw it. I stand by that 10000%. Nothing I said was false, and you really tried your best to pour fire on it.
Season 4 Wow GIF by The Office
I mean, yeah, I get it, but let's be real, here.

I would expect the maudes make me change my name from DeshunWatsonMassagePalorNiggaDick. May be funny to some, but that funny you keep to yourself.
If you don’t like it, don’t look. Had it for years and not one complaint.
I mean, yeah, I get it, but let's be real, here.

I would expect the maudes make me change my name from DeshunWatsonMassagePalorNiggaDick. May be funny to some, but that funny you keep to yourself.
The thing is, imagine if a white guy had that message board name. How would you feel about that?

That’s how me and other ****** people felt about seeing his previous screen name on here.
Give us the run down
Obviously I own numerous glocks so I won‘t even mention those but my pride and joy is my hog gun. It’s an AR-10 chambered for 6.5 creedmoor rounds. I also own an .308 Winchester which I use for deer season, a Remington 870 for duck/turkey season plus home protection. For concealed though I use a sig sauer p365. I used to use a Glock 19 or 43 but I was recommended the P365 by my buddy and I absolutely love it. Light, not bulk, and it’s easy to grip. I don’t have any sights or anything like that though. Ask me about my rifles though! I could go on for days!
The thing is, imagine if a white guy had that message board name. How would you feel about that?

That’s how me and others felt about seeing his previous screen name on here.
Why did I get banned for saying D$ doesn’t know ****? Never did get an answer there.
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