Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I’d love Ken. Never been on the play calling thang. Is it true tha average NFL OC only averages $1m a year?
Is Dorsey even a legit candidate? It's been leaked that we interviewed Brian Johnson and that LB coach from the Dolphins, but I've heard nothing suggesting Dorsey has been interviewed or is even a candidate. Seems like drummed-up fan smoke.
If Mario doesn’t hire Beninemy
Thing that’s changed a bunch in the last several years in the NFL is FG kickers…used to be a 50 yds was a great kick reserved for a chosen few kickers…now it’s like an extra point…When KC ran that last play before the FG Nance is yelling “ now it’s ONLY a 48-50yd kick like he’s kicking from the 20…it’s getting where once a team crosses mid field teams are in FG range…what was the one Justin Tucker kicked? 69 yds…ridiculous how much FG kickers have evolved.
bro every portion of the sport has evolved from
A athletic standpoint across the board. That’s just my opinion. The things these QBs can do now is insane. The rules have helped that too but only to a certain extent. But yea these kickers are as good as ever
can anyone shed light as to why KD went to FIU an App State after an already successful career in the pros?
Wait so now that Dorsey seems unattainable now everyone wants him?? What happened to never calling plays?
Personally I’m not too found of it. I get the thinking but I’d rather a OC with game day experience in the fire
I was joking 😂 but seriously I just might do so. I know @Liberty City El watched every game this weekend in disgust as a DB. What was that cover 9 with 13 seconds left in the bills game? I know for sure it was 2 man in it with Milano getting beat by TK in the end zone
That rams game with hitting Cole over the top… Why was he 1v1 with safety??
You rushing 4, tryna cover field with 7 vs Mahomes wit :13sec. Giving the WRs free releases all over the place. No pressing, just letting muhfuccas run down the field unmolested?
Bills need to fire everybody on they defensive staff! :13 seconds from the -25 yd line?! :13 seconds? You give up a FG! That’s criminal. Should never happen!
If Mario doesn’t hire Beninemy

bro every portion of the sport has evolved from
A athletic standpoint across the board. That’s just my opinion. The things these QBs can do now is insane. The rules have helped that too but only to a certain extent. But yea these kickers are as good as ever
I remember being amazed when Dempsey kicked a 63 yarder I think early 70,s. He had half his foot missing and wore a special shoe
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