Smith ostracized at Bama

So far, the only thing we know on Saban is that he refuses to let him transfer to a conference rival, which is what any smart HC would do. The stuff in the garbage could have been teammates or Smith setting it up. I don't know who did that, and neither does anyone else.

Bro you have to have a pretty skeptical mind if you think anyone but Bama's staff probably threw his stuff away. I guess that comes from living in the hard streets of Detroit.

Big-time college football is cut throat stuff. It's not for everyone. There are zillions of dollars on the line. ****, there are 9 to 5 employees who work for companies for 20 years who get treated like criminals when they quit. They get a police escort out of the building with a cardboard box.

Smith is getting a life lesson here. He can transfer and play at any one of 114 great D1 programs. He's not always going to get his way like a baby.

Not every employer gives police escorts out building to its former long time employees, those are rare occurrences. However, when it does happen it should be very telling to future and current players how that employer values its employees. By all accounts Smith was a model student athlete while at Bama and didn't deserve that kind of treatment.

Moreover, I think we can all agree that being a student athlete is not like being an employee. An employer doesn't get to choose the employees next employer. Nor does a student athlete get a salary that they can use however they want. They are "paid" with their athletic scholarship. A scholarship provides him with an education, boarding, living expenses (food at the dinning hall,ect), and tools to preform their duties(access to athletic complex and study hall, ect)

But if you want to use Smith as an employee analogy. Its not like smith has quit his "job" yet. He still an "employee" until he to graduates. And is guaranteed employment and its benefits contractually by his scholarship until that occurs. He more or less just gave his two week notice which he was required to do by his school.

So what Bama did was the equivalent to throwing his sh:t out of his cubicle, reducing his salary were he could no longer eat and cutting his other benefits even though he had two weeks left on the job. No employer does that.

So what life lesson are we actually teaching him? Not to work for an overlord?

How has Alabama breached their grant-in-aid deal with Smith? They didn't kick Smith out. They let him finish his degree after he quit the team. They weren't obligated to let him continue to enjoy the privileges of being a part of the football team after he quit the team. He finished his free education.

Now, they've given him the option of reconsidering and rejoining the team or transferring to any of 114 D1 teams not in the SEC. What's the problem other than Smith not getting exactly what he wants? Someone tossed his stuff in a trash bin? That's it?

I don't understand why his mom wants to follow a coach who had him on the pine for 3 years vs a school desperately needing help in the secondary? Smh.
I don't understand what the end game is with this kid? Lets say he is in the right and it's a travesty that an SEC school isn't letting him transfer to an SEC school. Fine. But guess what? That's the way it is. Now you have to adjust. Fall practice is starting. The season starts in less than a month. Do you really want to be a martyr and not play college football next season to prove a point? Saban is immune to any blow back from this. He owns college football. Your options are go someplace else or sit around with your mom in the fall watching Wendy Williams and talking about how unfair it all is.
I don't understand what the end game is with this kid? Lets say he is in the right and it's a travesty that an SEC school isn't letting him transfer to an SEC school. Fine. But guess what? That's the way it is. Now you have to adjust. Fall practice is starting. The season starts in less than a month. Do you really want to be a martyr and not play college football next season to prove a point? Saban is immune to any blow back from this. He owns college football. Your options are go someplace else or sit around with your mom in the fall watching Wendy Williams and talking about how unfair it all is.
This^^^^... There will be no public outcry that will reverse Saban's position. Also- It's not like time is on his side. You're spot on. Fall practice is starting and every day lost is at his own expense.
I don't understand why his mom wants to follow a coach who had him on the pine for 3 years vs a school desperately needing help in the secondary? Smh.

My guess would be Smart told Smith he would be a starter at Georgia and that's why he's so set on going there.