Smith ostracized at Bama

Smith sounds like a ****. What the fck does he expect? He tells Alabama he wants to transfer but he expects to have full access to the facilities to work out with the team? Makes no sense.

They're obviously trying to put public pressure on Saban and Alabama to release him to Georgia. Good thing is that Saban is basically the king there. If this was some new HC, they'd break him with the public whining campaign. I hope Saban doesn't break.

Smith's mom is a troublemaker. Dude was all set to come to UM, and she had to jump in there with that "follow your heart" bullshyt.

Agree with this except the terrible comment about mom's advice lol.

You let 1 kid go to UGA, then they'll all be going there when they don't see playing time at Alabama. Saban isn't going to let that happen I'm sure.

It's almost like us not picking up Tim Irvin and SBB. Can't get it in these kids head that they can go to the SEC then fall back on Miami now that the skies are clear. Just because you aren't playing at Alabama doesn't mean you can run to Kirby at UGA.
So far, the only thing we know on Saban is that he refuses to let him transfer to a conference rival, which is what any smart HC would do. The stuff in the garbage could have been teammates or Smith setting it up. I don't know who did that, and neither does anyone else.

Bro you have to have a pretty skeptical mind if you think anyone but Bama's staff probably threw his stuff away. I guess that comes from living in the hard streets of Detroit.

Big-time college football is cut throat stuff. It's not for everyone. There are zillions of dollars on the line. ****, there are 9 to 5 employees who work for companies for 20 years who get treated like criminals when they quit. They get a police escort out of the building with a cardboard box.

Smith is getting a life lesson here. He can transfer and play at any one of 114 great D1 programs. He's not always going to get his way like a baby.

Not every employer gives police escorts out building to its former long time employees, those are rare occurrences. However, when it does happen it should be very telling to future and current players how that employer values its employees. By all accounts Smith was a model student athlete while at Bama and didn't deserve that kind of treatment.

Moreover, I think we can all agree that being a student athlete is not like being an employee. An employer doesn't get to choose the employees next employer. Nor does a student athlete get a salary that they can use however they want. They are "paid" with their athletic scholarship. A scholarship provides him with an education, boarding, living expenses (food at the dinning hall,ect), and tools to preform their duties(access to athletic complex and study hall, ect)

But if you want to use Smith as an employee analogy. Its not like smith has quit his "job" yet. He still an "employee" until he to graduates. And is guaranteed employment and its benefits contractually by his scholarship until that occurs. He more or less just gave his two week notice which he was required to do by his school.

So what Bama did was the equivalent to throwing his sh:t out of his cubicle, reducing his salary were he could no longer eat and cutting his other benefits even though he had two weeks left on the job. No employer does that.

So what life lesson are we actually teaching him? Not to work for an overlord?
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Come on Chise, regardless if he was given the green light to transfer to a non SEC school you can't treat a former player like sh:t just because he wants to transfer. If they wanted him to clear out his locker or whatever the *** they could have at least let him know. They didnt have to throw away his stuff without letting him know. What kind of message where they trying to send to the kid?

I don't condone throwing his personal property in the garbage. But I don't necessarily buy that claim anyway because Smith and his mom are going out of their way to publicly pressure Alabama through the media, so they need something to make their otherwise unpersuasive sob story (i.e., I only want to go to conference rival UGA even though you'll let me go to 114 other schools with no problem) more effective.

Alabama had every right to cut him off from the lockerroom and team activities as soon as he told them he no longer wanted to be part of the team. What were they supposed to do? Yeah sure, Mo, come on in and train and eat with the team and use our facilities to better yourself to go play at a conference rival. Nonsense.

Chise, the family provided photo evidence of his personal belongings in the trash to the author of this story. I doubt that Smith would throw away his own stuff then take a picture of it so he could sell his story to the press and public.

Second, Smiths' athletic scholarship, that he worked very hard to get, pays for him to use the athletic facilities as long as he student athlete at Bama. Smith is still a student and his scholarship is covering the cost to use the facilities. Even Saban realized this was a **** move and they had no rights when they reinstated his privilages two weeks ago.

Fck him. With us or against us. Big money college football ain't youth league soccer where everyone gets a juice box and a participation award. Smith quit the team, so he lost his team privileges. That's the way it should be.

Smith is coming off as a whiny baby because he's not getting his way. Fact is pretty much no one would allow someone to transfer to a big-time division rival, especially where that rival's HC was your right hand man for 8 years.

And Saban/Bama is coming off as plantation owners whipping a slave when they decided to flee for freedom.

Chill with that analogy. Horrible example...
dumping his stuff in the trash, classless, of course, but this is what happens in a football locker room among teammates. its almost like a new female reporter walks inside a mens locker room after the game and is shocked, shocked, I tell you to see guys walking around naked.

**the feckless ncaa needs to come out with a final ruling to make it simple: if you graduate early and you want to transfer, you can transfer to any school outside of the same conference and to any school your current school does not have scheduled during the years left of eligibility. problem solved.

Dumping a teammate's personal belongings in the trash is what happens in a football locker room? I've never been a part of a locker room where that would be tolerated. Not surprised though. It all starts at the top and that is the kind of culture Saban promotes. Having said that, I hope Saban doesn't back down. He could have come to UM but they had to use this to make a statement. Mrs Smith is indeed a troublemaker.
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Dont want him now....he would come here and be a malcontent and being ****y because he can't go follow Kirby...let him rot..he had his chance
I will be absolutely shocked if Saban backs down. One thing that you do not do to a guy like Saban is force his hand.
Bama has one goal and one goal only - National Titles. If you don't get on that program, see ya later.
**** Georgia. They blocked that RB from coming here and following Richt. Now I'm supposed to feel bad this kid can't follow the same coach that wouldn't let another kid follow his coach. Eat ****s Kirby. Smith is more than welcome here tho. Come on down.
I just listened to Mark May (no, I don't like him either) but he had an interesting comment on the Mo Smith situation. He said Nick Saban is not treating him any different than he has any other player. Said Saban has never allowed this to happen before (must be something different about Chris Black), but May seems to think Saban is OK in what he is doing and that he (Saban) will never release Smith to UGA unless he sits out one year. Could bode well for Miami if Smith wants to play this year.
Saban is an ***. That's not news to anyone-- players, coaches, Mrs. Saban, the NCAA, no one.

It's regrettable that this unfolded the way it did, at face value, but there's always two sides to every story.

Even if there isn't, and this is all 100% accurate, I don't see him getting a release to Georgia.

Saban drew a line in the sand on the matter and has much bigger considerations. His team is filled with players who can probably start or get more time elsewhere. He isn't about to open the door to other SEC schools. He'll fight the NCAA on that point and likely win.

As for the NCAA, it's pulling teeth for medical redshirts or anything else you want them to opine on generally. If they intervene here they'll be dealing with a multitude of cases just like this every year.

I expect the NCAA's position to be that there are a lot of other quality programs open to you besides Georgia where you'd only play for one year anyway. Choose one.
Cmon Maurice, you could really help this team out and play immediately, no need to go through the headache of going up against Satan
I don't give a **** why any of these kids come here, as long as we get them and they are open to being coached.

Artie Burns wanted to go to Alabama and then stayed home because of his family ****, as I recall...and he was an exemplary Cane. To be honest, most of the good players we've had lately probably would have been elsewhere if they had their druthers.
I don't care where he wants to go, I don't care why Saban doesn't want to let him go there. Kid's enough of a player that I'd take him right now. Could care less the story about how he got here.

This. It's one season where we are in really bad shape depth wise. He'd likely start right away
Rumors are Kirby Dumb did some shady **** when he left Alabama. He supposedly took photos of Bama's recruiting board to show recruits where Bama had them on their board.

This is scumbag (Saban) v. scumbag (Dumb). Hopefully, the Reverend winds up winning.