SIAP: Robinson not traveling with team

I don't think losing Robinson hurts at all dude sucks

If he sucks then all the DTs suck, at least he caused a fumble, the rest of the D line did nothing notable against a terrible BC team. Is Pierre, the Plug or Grimble any better, not really, hopefully they will de suck and play better today.

he was the best dlineman for us last week...

*he had about 3-4 plays of good penetration....
*2 tackles for loss that i saw including the strip...
* he blew up a screen that should of been a penalty...he tackled the rb and laid on him...

**** i didnt even know chick played....not a Luther Robinson apologist but he was our best dlineman last week imo...him doggin it in practice and getting kicked out probably wasnt good though...add to it his ol man basically dissing his position coach.....not a good look for him..dude has to earn back his stripes if he even is going to stay on this team again..getting into it with position coach is almost an automatic *demotion, no reps* thing

gogeta I think most people agree with you.

Production-wise it's a blow. But big picture, it's just something that we can't have year even if it was (quoting LuCane) Warren Mother****ing Sapp.

He could have had a good year but looks like he chose otherwise.
If the coaches tell you to practice with the scout team, you practice with the scout team. He clearly did something to warrant that edict. Just play the ******* game like you actually care about your teammates and your school. Take pride in representing the U. His dad is a clown and if Miami loses I guarantee he and daddy will find joy in it and think the loss was because *** clown wasn't playing.

Fact is, he abandoned his teammates, his coaches, his school everyone that has put in months and months of effort to try and win this season. He sabotaged the team with his actions and unless al golden says otherwise I truly believe he should not be allowed back to the team. He's a me guy. Ain't **** you can do about a me guy but let em go. 3 years he does nothing and now that hes draft eligible he sees the light? GTFOH.

If that was true, Al Golden was wrong. Can't blame a player for feeling a certain way. You bust your *** all camp and arguably played the best out of all the defensive lineman on Saturday. Come Monday morning you are placed on the practice squad, I would be like WTF also.

You demonstrate how true the phrase, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." can be. How do you know Al Golden is wrong? Do you know why he was dropped to the scout team? Do you know if he broke a serious rule? Directly ignored or disrespected a coach? It's the coaches job to run the team. Not the players. Not their parents. And certainly not ignorant fans (and I include myself in this group along with almost everybody on here) on the internet who have no clue what really goes on on the team. They wouldn't have demoted him if there wasn't a reason. Let the coaches do their job. They know they need help at DT. If Luther got demoted I would bet there was a **** good reason.