2022 Shemar Stewart goes A2M

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No longer visiting TAMU this weekend. Sounds like there is good chance he comes to UM for a day for an UOV, but not finalized yet according to this. Good news regardless. Get TAMU tf out of here.

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Wow bag must have been delivered, Ruiz wasn’t playing yesterday when he said we was all on it

Lichtenstein or whatever his polish name is can play inside too and will in certain situations.
And Maye is there also.
Inside we only have Miller, Taylor and Hunte. We are Crazy thin... Gracen and Moten would both be able to play inside. Shemer as well but he would be a total bonus if we get him. Thomas is an edge guy.
Maye also! But yes, you can’t go into the season without 2-3 more
I just hope everything is being done legally. I hope these people don’t ruin a good thing and cross lines they shouldn’t cross.

He's a billionaire attorney with a team of his own attorneys, not to mention outside counsel on any conflicts, who has smartly set up a stand-alone foundation to fund completely legal NIL deals. I think everyone can stop worrying about the NCAA and the law here.

I am really wondering how long its going to take this board to realize what's going on here, as almost everyone is inexplicably missing it - missing the phoenix rise from the ashes in front of your faces. Missing ENJOYING the miracle that is the incredible confluence of events that has lead to the rebirth of Miami football. Though I watched most of you somehow suffer through the most successful coaching and AD search in Miami history and now you're almost all currently losing your minds during a very normal staffing process, so being honest, I'm not too optimistic here!
Texas A&M with 1 double digit win season in last 24 years just signed the best recruiting class in history, and they are accusing Miami of buying a recruit? That's rich.
Just like the phantom aTm nattys, they are claiming Multiple 10+ wins last two decades I’m sure
He's a billionaire attorney with a team of his own attorneys, not to mention outside counsel on any conflicts, who has smartly set up a stand-alone foundation to fund completely legal NIL deals. I think everyone can stop worrying about the NCAA and the law here.

I am really wondering how long its going to take this board to realize what's going on here, as almost everyone is inexplicably missing it - missing the phoenix rise from the ashes in front of your faces. Missing ENJOYING the miracle that is the incredible confluence of events that has lead to the rebirth of Miami football. Though I watched most of you somehow suffer through the most successful coaching and AD search in Miami history and now you're almost all currently losing your minds during a very normal staffing process, so being honest, I'm not too optimistic here!
If the average fan could at least research for themselves that everything is legal and covered then it would be all good. I think many are shell shocked and suffering from PTSD from the Shapiro/Shalala days.
There are so many absurd takes on this.

1) Are these the same idiots who are openly setting up a 501c3 for this and is spending $25-30m on NILs? You cannot set up a charity for the 20 football signees.

2) UHealth is UM. UM is UHealth. The money all goes to the same place and comes from the same place. Further, any furloughs were consistent with many (most?) other health systems that didn’t know what the future would hold other than elective surgeries, where margins tend to be higher, came to a complete halt.

3) What are they even talking about with academic rankings and this thing ending in a world war?

4) What does this guy think is bringing in that recruiting class after a four loss season? Candy is long gone, so unless he found another wife like her, it is the NIL deals from oil money. The same as everyone else in the new, legal system.
He's a billionaire attorney with a team of his own attorneys, not to mention outside counsel on any conflicts, who has smartly set up a stand-alone foundation to fund completely legal NIL deals. I think everyone can stop worrying about the NCAA and the law here.

I am really wondering how long its going to take this board to realize what's going on here, as almost everyone is inexplicably missing it - missing the phoenix rise from the ashes in front of your faces. Missing ENJOYING the miracle that is the incredible confluence of events that has lead to the rebirth of Miami football. Though I watched most of you somehow suffer through the most successful coaching and AD search in Miami history and now you're almost all currently losing your minds during a very normal staffing process, so being honest, I'm not too optimistic here!
He also got retained one of the attorneys who helped draft Florida’s NIL bill.
He's a billionaire attorney with a team of his own attorneys, not to mention outside counsel on any conflicts, who has smartly set up a stand-alone foundation to fund completely legal NIL deals. I think everyone can stop worrying about the NCAA and the law here.

I am really wondering how long its going to take this board to realize what's going on here, as almost everyone is inexplicably missing it - missing the phoenix rise from the ashes in front of your faces. Missing ENJOYING the miracle that is the incredible confluence of events that has lead to the rebirth of Miami football. Though I watched most of you somehow suffer through the most successful coaching and AD search in Miami history and now you're almost all currently losing your minds during a very normal staffing process, so being honest, I'm not too optimistic here!
Dude is rich just off his law practice from my understanding but not put a program on his back rich. He is potentially gonna be mega rich as in the 20 billi man but his SPAC has to clear. Therein lies some of the problems, it hasn’t cleared yet and isn’t guaranteed to clear. The company itself has yet to post any revenue and it doesn’t follow numerous other characteristics of a SPAC which on their own are a fad at the moment.
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