2022 Shemar Stewart goes A2M

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They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather
its lipstick on a pig at this point. i don't think there is anything that could sway the handler and Shemar.
So we aren’t getting into a bidding war for Shemar because of wage inflation?
I’ll use the WWE example.

Back in 1996 no one in the then WWF was making more than $600K per year. No contract was guaranteed.

WWF Champion Bret Hart dropped his title at WM12 and became a free agent. Eric Bischoff of World Championship Wrestling offered a three year deal at around $3M per year, guaranteed.

Vince responded with a twenty year deal that saw Bret paid around 1.4M a year for the first three years,
which Bret took out of loyalty and desire to stay with the company. But within a year Vince was trying to get out of the deal. Why?

Because if Bret Hart was earning 1.4M a year, what about Shawn Michaels who was second at $600K a year? What about Undertaker? What about Steve Austin? Their contracts would come due eventually, and they would all want as much or more. And this was at a time where the WWF was losing money to boot.

So I think the same thing is true for the NIL. If a 5 star player is brought in for $2M, what about the existing five star players on your roster who have a $500K deal? They have to be bumped to equivalent or greater deals. Or they can go elsewhere. That’s the risk in overspending for one player. You may get him, but then you have to bump up key players on the rest of your roster.
It’s why Mario needed to hire Steele two weeks ago.

You can’t force someone to sign an contract. Word is Mario was working on this since December. Steele maybe was weighing retirement. Mario got his man at the end of the day.
I’ll use the WWE example.

Back in 1996 no one in the then WWF was making more than $600K per year. No contract was guaranteed.

WWF Champion Bret Hart dropped his title at WM12 and became a free agent. Eric Bischoff of World Championship Wrestling offered a three year deal at around $3M per year, guaranteed.

Vince responded with a twenty year deal that saw Bret paid around 1.4M a year for the first three years,
which Bret took out of loyalty and desire to stay with the company. But within a year Vince was trying to get out of the deal. Why?

Because if Bret Hart was earning 1.4M a year, what about Shawn Michaels who was second at $600K a year? What about Undertaker? What about Steve Austin? Their contracts would come due eventually, and they would all want as much or more. And this was at a time where the WWF was losing money to boot.

So I think the same thing is true for the NIL. If a 5 star player is brought in for $2M, what about the existing five star players on your roster who have a $500K deal? They have to be bumped to equivalent or greater deals. Or they can go elsewhere. That’s the risk in overspending for one player. You may get him, but then you have to bump up key players on the rest of your roster.

Which is why I find it hard to believe Texas AM is spending $25M-$30M on this class. That said, I am sure they are dropping some heavy bags. Just not that high a total. $5m-$10M wouldn't surprise me. Spread over multiple years you may end up at $25-30M total for all your roster.
It’s clear we are screwed with the new NiL rules
More we are screwed until FL fixes their NIL law. Right now the school cannot be involved outside of verifying it doesn't break any rules and it cannot be used to recruit a kid to the school. So Ruiz and LifeWallet may be ready and able to beat the TAMU NIL number but he cannot tell Shemar exactly how much he would get just trust us you will be well taken care of. At least that is the understanding I have of how the FL law is set up right now. FL was first to pass a NIL law but they did a crappy job writing it.
Moes big payday, you think it’s that hard to pick life changing money for a 18 year old and his family vs no money and just staying home broke.
Yet we've got some on here claiming this loss is a reflection on Mario and his recruiting ability.
It would be more a reflection of the local community in the Ol' Moe would have had no fear about at minimum social blowback for acting they way they have recently in what would be shown to be a massive troll job of the local team and fanbase.

We're a longgggg way from Mike Irving saying him and his family couldn't even think about going anywhere but Miami for fear of the neighborhood's reaction.

But a diabetic penguin looking mf'er from NEW YORK can act this way down here and it's all cool.
Floored me when people thought we were going to have some advantage when the NIL deals were legalized. We can have the best recruiter in the world and we would not have much of a chance for the truly top tier talent on a yearly basis. Being runner up is a testament to what Mario can do. That won't keep this place from being a toxic **** hole when we inevitably miss on the top talent tomorrow
It floored you? NIL gives Miami a punchers chance against bags. Without the NIL, we have zero shot.

Whatever results we get today won’t reflect on Mario and the NIL, although you can easily argue Miami has already improved with all the new additions we have had in the last month. This is a transition class. It’ll be the last time Miami is in the top 10 for at least a decade.
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