Shannon and Skip, Shannon keeping it 100

There are few segments where they argue the same point. I'm sure they usually plan to take differing opinions just for arguments' sake, but every now and then they're like, "Nope, this is stupid to argue the other way." Totally love that Shannon called Bama and UGA out with their cars and back alley deals.
There are few segments where they argue the same point. I'm sure they usually plan to take differing opinions just for arguments' sake, but every now and then they're like, "Nope, this is stupid to argue the other way." Totally love that Shannon called Bama and UGA out with their cars and back alley deals.
100% he kept it real and what we all know, im sure its worse than cars though. They do alot more **** than that over the years
A massive portion of Kirby's value came from the fact that he knew how to get players Dodge Chargers better than anyone else. Now that's gone and he's just a coach. And that's not going to be good enough.

And how valuable is Kirby on his own? Steve Kerr makes $5M per year. Steph Curry makes $48M per year. That's the value discrepancy in an open market between coaches and players. The players make the coach, that's why blue chip ratios exist, that's why class rankings determine championship winners.

Cry me a river Kirby.
I stopped watching after the first 30 seconds. Of course college coaches care about helping these kids with life outside of the 3-4 year they are in college. What an absurd thing to say. These two are such clowns. No wonder they only have ten viewers and episode. At least they outperform every single ESPN show
Some coaches, yes. Maybe even most coaches. But there are definitely coaches out there that are looking out for themselves. What can you do for me now? That's priority #1; everything else comes after. It's why a lot of players don't have relationships with schools after they leave. It's why some coaches pull scholarships when a kid has gotten injured. It's not all coaches, but they are out there and it is very hypocritical to say they care about players' well-being while simultaneously wanting to limit or even take away their financial well-being. That type of NIL money can change the entire course of a family's wealth both short and long term.
Rarely do I agree with beta male Shay Shay but he nailed it here. We have been saying for years how crooked the SEC was and FINALLY a media talking head said it publicly.
I don’t always agree with Shannon on things, but the dude is firm on his opinions and definitely not a beta. Man is close to 60 and looks like a ripped 35 year old.
Oh so providing students with free room and board, tuition, uniforms, equipment, food, bus rides, planes, cars, ect is taking away from their financial well-being? What about every other students at the university that actually have to grind their *** off while being hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt.
I guess you are part of the "don't pay athletes" crowd. Sounds like you have some kind of bitterness going on here.

But I'll play. Is it nice perks, yeah? But no, it's not game-changing LONG-TERM financial wealth, especially if you get injured enough that you have long-term health issues the rest of your life. Who is covering those bills? Not the school. And what about players that are good enough to bring money to college but not go pro. This is their only opportunity to make good money off of their athletic talent.

Also, your average student is not bringing in the money that student-athletes bring in (particularly football and basketball), so stop comparing one to the other. I worked my tail off in college as well, but I didn't bring millions to the school. If I did, yeah, I'd want a piece of it. As would you.

So no, I won't pocket watch and tell guys what they deserve. The market will determine what they can earn. That's their business, not mine. If you would have actually watched the entire video after the first 30 seconds, you would have heard all of that.
lol Shannon Sharpe is a beta male?

None of these talking heads mentioned one thing about back alley deals until is was all out there. Cowards
They needed proof I would assume to make those claims on TV, they all knew and some of them mentioned it before I believe. They just couldnt ride with it I'm assuming