Scrimmage news

This all started over you questioning the validity of Spring reports (blah, blah) which, imo, will be just the same as Fall reports. None of this has to do with who will end up starting. Just the information we have access to leading up to the decision. Any of those guys competing can end up starting. Unless you are one of the coaches, it is my opinion we will know by, guess what, reports; whether they be by our own insiders or local media.

In the meantime, blah, blah ...stay on topic.
By the way.
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Big Ping Cane in that head, huh?
When did it become accepted that Perry can’t beat out Rosier? They haven’t even had a real scrimmage yet.
C'mon Chise you're one of the legends around here. U know how it goes with some of the "sng ruffled panties seniority police girl scout troop " anything for drama and censorship.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.
I will not fall for Spring practice QB hype.....
Only 9 times? There is still danger.
You're all sleeping on what Lingard will do this season. Richt has historically shown he has zero problems with making a freshman his featured back.
Lingard will play and has starter talent written all over him except two things: 1) Homer 2) 220lbs of really fast nasty TO Chain wearing Deejay. Lingard will probably score from distance 50% of his carries because, 1) he is fast and that good and 2) defense will be happy to see someone other than those first two and too tried to stop those fresh legs. The Edge Room has the edge this year.
The pendulum just swings back and forth.

Would it be surprising that Rosier is currently winning “mental reps”? NO!

It would be surprising if he wasn’t, considering he was the starter for all the games last year and is the only one with any experience.

At the same time, it is way early in the process to come to any conclusions or even lukewarm feels about who lines up behind center for the first play in Dallas 5 months from now.

In my ideal fantasy scenario, N’Kosi learns the playbook, gets comfortable reading defenses and being a leader, and puts his prodigious arm talent to good use. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen.

I do know one thing....I’m not ruling any possibility out. N’Kosi, Rosier, even Weldon or Williams all have legit shots to be that guy. I’m not ruling anybody out.

It all depends what they do not just in spring, but much more importantly how they perform in the summer practices and scrimmages.
I know I am in the minority but I firmly believe that as long as the OL gets better and the Storm recruits play up to the hype we can make the playoffs and go far with Rosier or anyone for that matter. This team is loaded.
I know I am in the minority but I firmly believe that as long as the OL gets better and the Storm recruits play up to the hype we can make the playoffs and go far with Rosier or anyone for that matter. This team is loaded.
The OL played just fine against Pitt and Wisconsin. They had their moments against Clemson.

Rosier was missing wide open guys, and I don't only mean he was missing them bc he didn't go through his progressions, either. He was flat out was making awful throws to wide open WR's.
Don't give yourself so much credit I told you once already. Its a message board people posts others respond. Get it. So nobody's stalking, sweet pea. Just having fun at your expense.

Are you on House Arrest and bored out of your mind? You literally respond to every post and every post has zero thought behind it.

You are an odd bird.
Sticks and Stones,cali. Sticks and Stones.
No house arrest bubba. My thuggin days are past. Just an OG Cane having fun.
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At this pace BigPing should be at 10,000 posts by early next week.
I'm not coming for you Cribby so rest easy my friend. Just have the seniority police a little shook. Seems like I might have made a point. Then again maybe not. Keep doing your thing Cribby. Hopefully we talk some Canes down the road.