Samson Okunlola commits to Miami

I Dont Get It The Office GIF

When I start seeing where J dills and Premier got their samples from it just adds to the genius imo.
Another surprising dj that gets his samples from deep in the music archives is DJ Muggs from Cypress Hill.
Those 3 Dudes act like their listening to music in a different frequency than everyone else.
Eric Sermon and Parrish had their Beats sampled and stolen by everyone back in the day....
@pacusmc ....Go listen to EPMD Strickly Business & Unfinished Business....they ran NYC Underground Rap from 87-92....don't let anyone tell ya different. @Rellyrell know I ain't lying...
I’m 51. You best believe I had strictly business on vinyl. Eric Sermon was a beast on the MIC!!
Been hip -hop since 78!
After school I couldn’t wait till Yo! mtv Raps was on!!