Rutgers - any insight?

You got a lot of Cuban food options in Hudson County. Union City, West New York, and North Bergen all have great cheap food and cafecito. I'm sorry to say that La Polla has closed if you wanted a great Cuban Sandwich.
Not sure if anyone else came across this fact, but did you know that Mario and Schiano used to be known as the Slag Brothers on Whacky Races?
I hope they mark this game off like the Aggies game.
Mario drags his knuckles out to the center of the field. Only to have Schiano do the same thing. They both grunt.
And just think, we thought it was going to be the Taco Illegal Tumbleweed Bowl in beautiful downtown El Paso and now it’s Taco Illegal tent city NY where you can think about getting mugged on the subway, caught up in a smash & grab or stabbed in Central Park. With any luck you might catch a glimpse of Mayor Adams in his $2k suits welcoming you to the Rotten Apple. Bring your Uber money & pack your heat.
We most definitely did not.

Did we turnover the ball a lot? Yes.

But we had under 450 total yards of offense 4 times.

Iowa NEVER had more than 450 total yards of offense. Let me repeat that.

Iowa. Never. Produced. More. Than. 450. Total. Yards. Of. Offense. In. Any. Game. This. Year.

Absolutely insane.
Did you stomp your feet and and hold your breath like a toddler when you wrote that sentence? Everyone knows when you put a period after every word, it surely means your argument is airtight.
Did you stomp your feet and and hold your breath like a toddler when you wrote that sentence? Everyone knows when you put a period after every word, it surely means your argument is airtight.
You're confusing emotion with emphasis. Are you always this bad at reading tone?

The period after every word was to emphasize how truly horrible this Iowa offense is. Had nothing to do with my emotional state lol.
I'm just curious who is gna play for Miami. Have to imagine most of rutgers guys will play. If the majority of Miamis guys play and jacurri is decent should be a win id think

This was probably the best game they played all year & it was all about their Run game. Their QB only completed 7 passes this game.

It's pretty simple, stop the run we win.
Mario drags his knuckles out to the center of the field. Only to have Schiano do the same thing. They both grunt.