Ruiz vs Corben

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I'd agree to a certain extent but I'd also say the amount of people jumping on his ******* is largely just a strawman created by those that want to attack him. I just see no real reason (yet) or why the energy is being spent on the later- aside from the people with ulterior motives like Cohen and apparently Havernick here.
apparently there’s a ton of empty promises from Ruiz but we’ll see what happens. The complaint he filed is trash and even the person behind the nil in Florida laughed at it. As long his donations are actually fulfillled I don’t care. the Stadium thing is dumb and anyone who lives in Miami knows it won’t happen after the marlins park deal. ruiz hasn’t even contacted the school w anything either Regarding that just saying he will on twitter. Like I said, as long the pledged donations are cashed I’m good

Except his "calling out" of the local officials (which I absolutely agree is beyond needed but by credible sources) only consists of him saying everything is a real estate hustle, incessantly predicting that Miami will be under water in 5 years and doing what one could* deem as racist impersonations of Suarez and Carollo- a dumbass and a scumbag but not exactly actually sounding like a how an actual racist would mimic their voices.
He’s right about the real estate. There are parts of miami that flood like crazy during a simple rain storm - edgwster area
Corben is a VHS version of LeBetard.

When the Yapiro! article hit young Billy went on every show with 6oz of oxygen to vomit how corrupt the entire administration was — and let everyone know they wouldn't validate his precious documentary. In the very moment the program desperately needed an outside, sane, and somewhat recognizable voice to defend against the outrageous scale and irresponsible conclusions of a cash-grabbing hit job, he went on Billy’s Airing of Grievances Tour to say, “well they didn’t like me so they probably are capable of acts of terror.” The school not sanctioning a documentary with ex-players saying they partied and did drugs and went to clubs nonstop means… they were currently paying players and taking them to clubs and on yachts nonstop.

Guy is a fairly interesting documentarian and a blight on the program. He doesn’t know the sport, he doesn’t support the team (unless it helps his self interest). He’s a classic south Florida leech. But I don’t really have an opinion on the matter.

I told the story on here before, he rarely shows up to the games as far as I can tell.

One time I noticed him, it was an FSU night game, sold out, and Corben and his (out of his league) date, that towered about a foot over him, kept getting up every five minutes to go to the bathroom. Really annoying.
But this is the problem. Everyone thinks they are a lawyer now. NIL is LEGAL. We are not giving them any "ammo" because its LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL and for christ sakes, the guy who is doing it happens to also be a high powered LAWYER. What is wrong with our fan base? You can't write this stuff.

Texas publicly announced their NIL deals for their OL at $50k a pop. SABAN even mentioned his QB getting $1M. And that's the SCHOOL, not an outside entity. But twitters and msg board posters want to advise and warn him and the U on their exposure lol.

Ruiz can, and SHOULD be shilling the fact that he is throwing big NIL money at recruits and players, cause its a GOD **** TOOL TO LURE AND RECRUIT WITH. That's the whole point. The PR and reach of it.

The stupidity of calling out the golden goose we've been begging for all these years is mind-boggling. Everyone here should be writing thank you letters to the Ruiz'.
You can’t use the nil to recruit players to your school I’m terms of what is in th deal. Also each states nil laws are different
You absolutely nailed it. I couldn't have said it better if I wanted to.

The era right after the Yahoo nonsense dropped was suchhhhhh a blacklight illuminating multiple frauds/leeches too. That's also when The Feast was completely exposed as a (failed) opportunist.
largely agree with most of the anti-corben sentiment. he does some good pointing out the rampant corruption in miami-dade government but he has become a bit of a one trick pony.
He’s right about the real estate. There are parts of miami that flood like crazy during a simple rain storm - edgwster area
Absolutely. But that's his answer to EVERYTHING. That it's a real estate hustle. And he's beyond hyperbolic about climate change and construction/engineering.

He's just not a deep dude but he has guys like Lebatard fooled because he comes off so strident and knows more than them- which isn't what the bar should be.
Absolutely. But that's his answer to EVERYTHING. That it's a real estate hustle. And he's beyond hyperbolic about climate change and construction/engineering.

He's just not a deep dude but he has guys like Lebatard fooled because he comes off so strident and knows more than them- which isn't what the bar should be.
Yeah I mean you can say that for about 99 percent of stuff in Miami and hit right 60 percent of the time lol. Miami is fully of scam and shadiness. Also, the fiu disaster and continuation of the city to give out contracts to the same firm didn’t help the image. He’s got the same arguments even if they don’t apply Bc the city doesnt do anything to help Itself Lol, the best part of the city just took a job in la to run their schools. Anyways, I’m more interested in the stuff mike Ryan has since he’s a huge homer and obviously knows someone connected given the Mario stuff. He’s been asking everyone including the draft kings ceo whose dad taught st Miami for a nil deal lol and if he has stuff on Ruiz that doesmt seem kosher well that’s interesting. we already had more astute finance guys in here rip his firm apart so we don’t need to rehash that
Ruiz has a lot of money outside the SPAC deal. Whether the stadium happens is likely a lot of moving parts either way, but he appears to be pushing a lot of different buttons on it.

But without the deal, does he have a billion or so to spend on stadium? That’s all I am asking.
Watching the whole thing unfold last night was just cringe. Ruiz just need to learn to ignore these clowns on twitter. His reactions is what's scaring people. True lions don't care what the sheep think. The man's got FU money, and that's what most people in his position say to haters. He clearly loves the U and is putting his money where his mouth is, so let the man do his thing.
Absolutely. But that's his answer to EVERYTHING. That it's a real estate hustle. And he's beyond hyperbolic about climate change and construction/engineering.

He's just not a deep dude but he has guys like Lebatard fooled because he comes off so strident and knows more than them- which isn't what the bar should be.
If better regulation of development and protection of public land is his passion, then I don’t see why it is a bad thing that he is always talking about it.

I don’t have the time to be constantly researching deals and decisions made by local municipalities so I appreciate that he brings at least some of the more questionable ones into the light.
My father once told me 'if a guy walks into the bar and wants to bet you money he can do something that looks impossible, don't bet him because he already knows he can do it.' Ruiz walked into the bar and said he's gonna do something that everyone thinks is impossible. I'm conflicted but wish I could take the bet because I'd like to see him do it.
Corben is a VHS version of LeBetard.

When the Yapiro! article hit young Billy went on every show with 6oz of oxygen to vomit how corrupt the entire administration was — and let everyone know they wouldn't validate his precious documentary. In the very moment the program desperately needed an outside, sane, and somewhat recognizable voice to defend against the outrageous scale and irresponsible conclusions of a cash-grabbing hit job, he went on Billy’s Airing of Grievances Tour to say, “well they didn’t like me so they probably are capable of acts of terror.” The school not sanctioning a documentary with ex-players saying they partied and did drugs and went to clubs nonstop means… they were currently paying players and taking them to clubs and on yachts nonstop.

Guy is a fairly interesting documentarian and a blight on the program. He doesn’t know the sport, he doesn’t support the team (unless it helps his self interest). He’s a classic south Florida leech. But I don’t really have an opinion on the matter.
I get the feeling you’re holding back…
They had a whole podcast with another miami
Booster Izzy the other day throwing shade at Ruiz. Trying to bring to light what Ruiz is doing is illegal. So dumb.
This is one of my concerns moving forward. Unlike other schools, our boosters aren’t happy to remain in the shadows they need everyone to know their names and how great they are. I’m pretty sure bama boosters pay for the sh*t Saban says he wants while ours want to tell the coach what to do. They think having money makes them football geniuses and they need to be applauded. It’s pathetic and will get us in trouble eventually.
Corben is REALLY embarrassing himself in this exchange. He's coming off like a jealous 11-year old troll. Especially when there will be receipts shortly that make him look like the fool he is.

I wish he and Luke would finally just get married to each other and move to Argentina to raise alpaca together.
They don't deserve alpacas...maybe they can grow a leech farm
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