Ruiz vs Corben

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I'd agree to a certain extent but I'd also say the amount of people jumping on his ******* is largely just a strawman created by those that want to attack him. I just see no real reason (yet) or why the energy is being spent on the later- aside from the people with ulterior motives like Cohen and apparently Havernick here.
Havenick seems to be fully outing himself as another pro-Manny leak from a couple of months back.

I ain't reading it, but will just say that while Corben has done some fine documentary work over the years, he comes off as extremely grating in the interviews that I've seen, as well as on social media.

Corben is REALLY embarrassing himself in this exchange. He's coming off like a jealous 11-year old troll. Especially when there will be receipts shortly that make him look like the fool he is.

I wish he and Luke would finally just get married to each other and move to Argentina to raise alpaca together.
I'm all about Ruiz buying Ransom Everglades and turning it into the football team's new practice facility
Hahaha. Makes a "donation" where in the fine print he gets the land rights to the school. The poor ******** are left without a precious school and have to mope to Gulliver or Miami Country Day.
Corben is a VHS version of LeBetard.

When the Yapiro! article hit young Billy went on every show with 6oz of oxygen to vomit how corrupt the entire administration was — and let everyone know they wouldn't validate his precious documentary. In the very moment the program desperately needed an outside, sane, and somewhat recognizable voice to defend against the outrageous scale and irresponsible conclusions of a cash-grabbing hit job, he went on Billy’s Airing of Grievances Tour to say, “well they didn’t like me so they probably are capable of acts of terror.” The school not sanctioning a documentary with ex-players saying they partied and did drugs and went to clubs nonstop means… they were currently paying players and taking them to clubs and on yachts nonstop.

Guy is a fairly interesting documentarian and a blight on the program. He doesn’t know the sport, he doesn’t support the team (unless it helps his self interest). He’s a classic south Florida leech. But I don’t really have an opinion on the matter.
Agree with everyone here. Corben has to have very little friends because he comes off as a miserable little prick constantly. I can’t imagine wanting to be around that.
What is wrong with having very little friends? One of my neighbors and his wife are little people and they are good people and great friends.
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You know how this is perceived though - calling him Cohen?
That's fair but THAT is absolutely not my intent and anyone that would take it in that direction (which a credit to CIS I haven't seen) would be absolutely wrong.
Muhammad Ali’s birth certificate says Cassius Clay. Do you call Ali Clay?
No. I respect him. And he didn't change it (and keep it) because he thought it would get him more roles as a child actor.
You know how this is perceived though - calling him Cohen?

Tad, my boy, what you've done here is anti-semetic. What you are doing is trying to weaponize Corben's Judaism against him deliberately.

Let me put it this way, if we were talking about a guy who changed his name from Smith to Jones, would you have even mentioned it? You are deliberately framing "Cohen" in a negative light, calling out the fact that Corben is actually ****** as a way to disparage him, as if being ****** is a bad thing. It's textbook anti-semetism.

Please just consider that and how it makes you look, not too mention how it could be offensive and inappropriate. I loathe Corben, but we're better than that.
That's fair but THAT is absolutely not my intent and anyone that would take it in that direction (which a credit to CIS I haven't seen) would be absolutely wrong.
It’s a mixed bag amongst Jews with name changes. Some think it’s understandable for commercialism. Others think it’s shameful to hide who you are.
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