Rotating offensive linemen

but, i'll take a shot...
JJ didn't quit so he can transfer and play next year somewhere else, if he in fact did quit. jones got some playing time and played well and was rewarded with a start. yes, it is how other teams operate. some of this creates competition and avoids complacency.
why would flip flopping affect BW going pro? he was gonna be a starter and has zero affect on him going pro. terrible analysis. horrible.
like it or not, it's kehoe's way. he wants interchangeable guys and guys who can play multiple positions. pros also like guys who can play different positions and it makes guys more versatile as well.
quit now. fail.

Good ******* grief this thread went to ****.

Good original topic though. Nice work sending it down the *******, epsilon.
i think the coaches are trying to keep guys fresh and feel we have 6-8 guys who can play pretty well and that by spelling guys early and throughout the game will give us an edge in the 2nd half.
right or wrong, i don't know. i don't think it's affected our running game or passing game, imo. i think if teams are going to commit to our run game, fine, we will light them up and take what they give, like we have. **** being balanced. soon, teams will drop back and play deep and we will start running the ball.
i think fisch is smart and is gonna take what teams give and light them up.
I think the endless substitutions of the entire team might be the one of the main factors of the entire teams inconsistent play. Players get better with repetition especially young players. That isn't brain surgery, that's just common sense. I think the coaches are trying to out think the room on this one and we shouldn't give them a pass because they are our coaches. I've always heard that a good offensive line is one that has played a lot of snaps together. I don't think Golden and company have stumbled on to some new magic formula that changes years of proven coaching logic. They need to finally decide who the best guys are and go with them. I think the coaches are hurting the team on this one.

Exactly!! No top twenty team in america rotates 9-10 olineman a game!!
9-10 probably isn't normal. but, in south florida, you can't go w/ just 5. we are trying to avoid fatigue and cramping and i'd rather they rotate and whatever than wait until guys go down with cramps.
I'm surprised it hasn't effected our pass blocking more than it has. I'm also surprised we have a monstrous line full of specimens who can't block people off the ball to save their lives. Difficult to know how/if this is related to that, but in general I would prefer you pick the best 5 and go, with some spot rests here and there.

This. It blows my mind every time I see Bunche, Henderson, Feliciano and Linder out there looking like goliaths yet getting minimal push up front. Our linemen do a decent job of engaging the right defenders but nobody drives anyone off the ball. Do they know that it's not enough to just get your hands on a can actually push them as well?

I am baffled myself. Why the **** can these behemoths not get any push?
Good ******* grief this thread went to ****.

Good original topic though. Nice work sending it down the *******, epsilon.

These type of posters just need to be gone when they keep doing this. I've seen him do it on other post as well, it's just easier to ban them type of posters.
When was the last time UM had dominating Oline play? 2002? We haven't had great run blocking for a while now.

I don't know if it's technique, s&c, or emphasis.

but if we're in the hurry up this much (& we're gonna be), I'm all for keeping the guys fresh. 8,9 man rotation, whatever it takes. The offense is carrying us right now.