Robert Stafford commits to the U

Can I take some action on that with him too? Even money? That’s money in the bank. Count it…and I haven’t bet on the Canes since the 6th National Championship in Tempe.
Feel like I should've added a 0 now lol

Might have to see how much he wants to bet cormani ends up anywhere but gainesville

I’m closing on my house as I post this so that DanBylsmaFistPump.gif could make an appearance. All Day Everyday In Every Way.

I like the emphasis on bringing in big time athletes at CB. (Graves, Rogers, Stafford, buddy from GA with the 4.3 speed). No more emphasis strictly on being tall, big and long with being an above average athlete. We are looking at freaks only at the position. Next up is Cormani! (And DBrown)
Busy with work, three small youngsters (all 7 and under). I'm in grad school again, which is really dumb, ha. Been following recruiting more just because I've made friends with some decent sources and they are excited, which is infectious. I used to only care once they signed, but it's a bit more interesting with Mario.

Life is good. Enjoying being a poster on the board every now and then.
**** yes. Love to hear it

You’re a glutton for punishment like any true Canes fan