Renovated Sun Life stadium fly through video

Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Start at about :18 in the video. The retractable seats for football are closer than anything currently in the stadium. Also, by removing the seats from the UD corners, you instantly make the average seat closer to the field (mathematically anyway)

If the voters were told that this I for soccer, they would never vote for it. Since the county does not own the stadium
Ross needs to pay for this himself.

He is paying 75% of it himself, you are aware of that? Also it is not for soccer, it is for all events that will come to South Florida. Events that have an economic impact that more than covers the initial investment, that is not paid by the community but through tourist dollars. Fact, this will guarantee us getting Super Bowls, fact this will get us a Football national title game, fact they are working and have guaranteed a huge soccer tournament with premiere teams from around the world to come here. Fact the economic impact of all these events are huge, just a Super Bowl covers the cost of what the city and state would invest. Oh and again fact, the Dolphins have guaranteed 75% of the cost by putting up 51% of the costs and paying back another 25%. So again how do these facts not make sense, to the point that we should vote against the measure?

Good, then let him pay for 100% of it. Also, the seats won't be any closer....pretty funny people think that. Some new seats will be put in that will be closer, but existing seats will stay the same.
Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Start at about :18 in the video. The retractable seats for football are closer than anything currently in the stadium. Also, by removing the seats from the UD corners, you instantly make the average seat closer to the field (mathematically anyway)

In other words existing seats won't be any must be a lobbyist. The entire thing is shady, the ballot question doesn't even mention the total amount. On the ballot it asks to use 7.5 million per year for 30 years from tourist tax to renovate stadium. That's completely misleading. I just hope it dies in the senate and never makes it to vote. Too many suckers in this town, and it will end up passing if they get a chance to vote on it.
Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Start at about :18 in the video. The retractable seats for football are closer than anything currently in the stadium. Also, by removing the seats from the UD corners, you instantly make the average seat closer to the field (mathematically anyway)

the seats didnt look like they where moved that much closer. It looked like they added 3 rows. Feel it needs to be more like 5-7 more rows.
Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Start at about :18 in the video. The retractable seats for football are closer than anything currently in the stadium. Also, by removing the seats from the UD corners, you instantly make the average seat closer to the field (mathematically anyway)

In other words existing seats won't be any must be a lobbyist. The entire thing is shady, the ballot question doesn't even mention the total amount. On the ballot it asks to use 7.5 million per year for 30 years from tourist tax to renovate stadium. That's completely misleading. I just hope it dies in the senate and never makes it to vote. Too many suckers in this town, and it will end up passing if they get a chance to vote on it.
Of course they won't be any closer. No existing seat will be moved closer to the field. I don't know what reasoning would make anyone thing they were "moving" the seats closer. By adding some seats closer (looks like about 5 rows), and removing the seats that are farthest from the field, the average seat is now closer to the field. That's easy enough to grasp. I understand that a lot of people (and I mean a lot) don't get that.

Just to be clear, I don't give a crap what they do to that stadium. I have no stake in this at all, since I'm not likely to ever set foot in that stadium. I'm just saying that that is exactly how this "moving the seats closer to the field" is actually accomplished. No seat in the UD will be one inch closer to the field.
Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Start at about :18 in the video. The retractable seats for football are closer than anything currently in the stadium. Also, by removing the seats from the UD corners, you instantly make the average seat closer to the field (mathematically anyway)

In other words existing seats won't be any must be a lobbyist. The entire thing is shady, the ballot question doesn't even mention the total amount. On the ballot it asks to use 7.5 million per year for 30 years from tourist tax to renovate stadium. That's completely misleading. I just hope it dies in the senate and never makes it to vote. Too many suckers in this town, and it will end up passing if they get a chance to vote on it.
Of course they won't be any closer. No existing seat will be moved closer to the field. I don't know what reasoning would make anyone thing they were "moving" the seats closer. By adding some seats closer (looks like about 5 rows), and removing the seats that are farthest from the field, the average seat is now closer to the field. That's easy enough to grasp. I understand that a lot of people (and I mean a lot) don't get that.

Just to be clear, I don't give a crap what they do to that stadium. I have no stake in this at all, since I'm not likely to ever set foot in that stadium. I'm just saying that that is exactly how this "moving the seats closer to the field" is actually accomplished. No seat in the UD will be one inch closer to the field.

Of course it's a ridiculous idea, but there are several posters in this thread alone talking about how,seats will be brought in closer. It's all part if the misinformation being spread by the dolphin's.
In other words existing seats won't be any must be a lobbyist. The entire thing is shady, the ballot question doesn't even mention the total amount. On the ballot it asks to use 7.5 million per year for 30 years from tourist tax to renovate stadium. That's completely misleading. I just hope it dies in the senate and never makes it to vote. Too many suckers in this town, and it will end up passing if they get a chance to vote on it.
What difference does it make to say 7.5 million/year for 30 years vs. 225 million?
Doesn't even look like the seats have been moved closer. It'll be nicer, but this isn't going to help the crowd noise/home field advantage problem much.

Man, your trolling is getting old. Every positive thread someone starts, you chime in with a negative conment. Then any post that negative torwards this team, you agree with. Just stop already, **** is getting old.
If anybody here thinks that existing seats somehow are magically being moved closer, is ludicrous, and anybody who thinks that people think or believe that is even more ludicrous. But adding more lower bowl seats closer to the field, will allow for the "home crowd" noise to reach the field, like it didn't before, add in the canopy, and it will improve the game day experience for the fans.

As for having the owner foot the whole bill, I am with you, I would love for that to be the case, but in the real world, it is not. Nobody has ever done it, except for the late great Joe Robbie. When you consider the economic benefits this will bring to South Florida, due to the Super Bowl, the College Football playoffs and championship game, premier soccer events, footing 25% of the total costs is nothing and well worth it.
If anybody here thinks that existing seats somehow are magically being moved closer, is ludicrous, and anybody who thinks that people think or believe that is even more ludicrous. But adding more lower bowl seats closer to the field, will allow for the "home crowd" noise to reach the field, like it didn't before, add in the canopy, and it will improve the game day experience for the fans.

As for having the owner foot the whole bill, I am with you, I would love for that to be the case, but in the real world, it is not. Nobody has ever done it, except for the late great Joe Robbie. When you consider the economic benefits this will bring to South Florida, due to the Super Bowl, the College Football playoffs and championship game, premier soccer events, footing 25% of the total costs is nothing and well worth it.

Are you kidding? Many if not most have done it...the Cubs are about to do a several hundred million dollar renovation of Wrigley completely self financed. Look, I don't blame the dolphins for trying to get our stupid banana republic to help foot the bill, and I'll even admit its a better deal than the abomination that replaced the orange bowl, but that doesn't change my opinion that Ross and the Dolphin's need to pay for it themselves. We need to stop financing these stadiums. We've already paid for the AAA and Marlin's park...sorry the dolphins are last to the trough, but it needs to end. Bottom line is it will get done even if the Dolphins have to finance it, so let them.
If anybody here thinks that existing seats somehow are magically being moved closer, is ludicrous, and anybody who thinks that people think or believe that is even more ludicrous. But adding more lower bowl seats closer to the field, will allow for the "home crowd" noise to reach the field, like it didn't before, add in the canopy, and it will improve the game day experience for the fans.
lol - You give our fans a lot more credit than I do. When you see that fans are disappointed that the seats don't seem any closer, what else can you deduce from that?

You get it. I'm 100% sure that a lot of people don't.
In other words existing seats won't be any must be a lobbyist. The entire thing is shady, the ballot question doesn't even mention the total amount. On the ballot it asks to use 7.5 million per year for 30 years from tourist tax to renovate stadium. That's completely misleading. I just hope it dies in the senate and never makes it to vote. Too many suckers in this town, and it will end up passing if they get a chance to vote on it.
What difference does it make to say 7.5 million/year for 30 years vs. 225 million?

Great point, our ballots should be like the home shopping network....stadium renovation can be yours for 30 easy payments of only 7.5 million.
Might be louder, bouncing crowd noise back down to the field? Otherwise it looks like a bad hat on an doable chick who lives too far away to bother with. One good cyclone and it'll look like a pretzel.
i agree that it needs to happen, the stadium itself looks like crap, the food isnt that good, and the front row seats are way too far back, i went to the bethune game and i got front row seats and it just didnt feel like a front row seat, after watching that video they should move the seats a lot more closer than it was shown
Ugh, this video is like 4 or 5 years old. How are people just now seeing this for the first time?

No chance this thing gets done. The Marlins ballpark was such a failure, no one is going to vote to spend more dollars on another ballpark. Ross will need to pony up the cash himself.

I thought so. I remember seeing that on Grassy.
SunLife needs to suffer the same fate as the OB. Let is rot and deteriorate, till the only option left is to tear it down and build it from scratch.
I think it's interesting that the title of this video is "Miami Dolphins Newly Renovated Stadium - Fly Through."

If these renovations do NOT significantly improve the game day experience, then we can kiss goodbye any chance for our own stadium. Check out what we could have for $250M, not for the $400M for renovations. For $350M, we could have a 50,000 seat stadium, expandable to 60k seats, at Tropical Park.

Check This Out!:

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