Not only is this kid an immature idiot but he seems to have absolutely zero grasp about the consequences of his decisions. Tyrd is an indecisive **** with no integrity or backbone. To make matters worse is that he seems to possess very little in terms of intelligence. Add all that to him being a compulsive liar and a two faced snake and it becomes crystal clear that we got the better of this deal........And no this isn't me pulling the sour grapes card because he flipped. Dude is a major head case. He wouldn't have lasted here anyway.
Ok, simmer down. Kid played us dirty, that's it. He's most likely not a compulsive liar and the situation says very little about him other than he likes to be the center of attention and makes poor choices(just like most recruits). And let's be honest, if this had happened to fsu, or better yet, if a kid did this to fsu to come to Miami, we'd think he was the greatest. Bottom line, kid played us. Time to let it go.