Redwine v. Byrd

If this was my kid I would have jerked him off and made him be straight up. Once you commit, you commit. No BS.

Unfortunately, that would have promoted more bad behavior given his apparent inclination to sniffing an other man's butt.

His family chose the wrong surname. Given his inclination to sniff butts, they should have chosen Dog as a last name.
Just wanted to let this community know, that this thread has been put in the National spotlight and it really shows how classy Miami fans are.

I've been to Knoxville for several games and donor events having a father-in-law who is a pretty big donor to your program. If we are being measured against your fan base's level of "class" then I will take it as a huge compliment. Please **** off.

That's a cool story you made up.
WOW. Never thought much lower of a fanbase, than I do of the Miami fanbase. You guys are complete trash.

You kidding me yall threatened a recruits life gtfoh

You guys and wished him to get cancer and more.

The kid handled the whole thing wrong and what really got people going are the things that he posted on twitter. We fully understand that he is 19 and will grow up but he needs better people around him. It was his choice and at the end of the day it's his life. He needs to stop with the BS on twitter.
Why are we still on Byrd? can we move on? I am tired on the Tyrd talk!!!

Tyrd talk. That's cute.

we are known for our sense of humor. you know we are not newbies to the game.. we get kids change their minds.. this one was handled in a classless manner. subsequently the kid made it worse by lying about things on social media. at the end of the day it would have gone away had he kept quiet. if you don't agree than go back to your board and talk about how you hate people from Miami etc...
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