Kind of long but somed good **** in it.
Miami is done at defensive tackle with its commit from Jonathan Ford (Fort Lauderdale, Fla./Dillard). Ford (6-5, 270) has developed significantly in the last year and has a very good upside. Miami is at their numbers with this take and will look to take two in the next class.
I don't believe this is the case at all, and really hope it isn't...Huge mistake to take only 2 DT in 2 year, esp when both are "add weight" types. I like Ford, but at least 2, and possibly 3 are needed. FSU takes 2-4 a year NO MATTER HOW MANY ARE ON THE ROSTER and let's them transfer out. I'm not saying UM has to marry itself to that approach, but 2 in 2 years is never good...
Kool knows what the fck he's doing with the DL. If anyone's earned the benefit of the doubt on this staff it's him.
I doubt he's looking for the traditional fat kid HS DT who is usually lazy and gets by just overpowering little HS kids. He's already mentioned that he and Diaz want DL who can play in the backfield. Fat HS kids aren't usually great at that.
Big kids who are athletic with good motors but might outgrow DE or not be quite athletic enough to play outside in this 4-3 can put on a little weight, get stronger with Felder and move inside.
Finding a HS 300 pounder who is ready to play DT at a high level at this level right away as a freshman is the rarest find in college football.
Why not recruit guys with big frames and better athleticism who can move inside and be productive after a couple years in the program?