Reclassifications: A Long Term Analysis

I'm warming up to this idea. I was very surprised when I finished tallying up the number of flips (eight) this cycle. Didn't expect that to be such a large percentage of the class.
All good man! Part of my thinking is flips create extra hype. Nothing better than taking someone from a rival and nothing stings more than losing one we thought we had

So would be curious to see if the drama was warranted down the road 😂

Reclassification Performance First Year:

Lebbeus Overton:


Quinn Ewers
No stats for 2021

Antione Jackson
Back in the portal for a second time. Added a new column to the OP to track the number of portal entries

He probably would've been a priority recruit had he not reclassified.

So he just flipped to a ream that he knows is about to fire their coach and most of his staff,make this **** make sense.
No, this is an old commitment. I just noticed that he also officially reclassified.
The general consensus on CIS is that kids that reclassify often either are busts or don't live up to the hype. However, not a lot of hard evidence. After seeing a post from @Ghandi , @Gi0logy suggested that we create a thread to track this long term and see if the CIS hypothesis can be verified. Please post names of kids that have reclassified and we'll add them to the OP. Also, let me know if we should add any additional data to the table.

It could be that the skill position players can reclassify and live up to expectations while the big uglies need the time to mature. We'll see.

RecruitPositionAgeRating beforeRating AfterClassOriginal ClassNLISchoolPortal entriesPortal
Malachi ToneyWR174*TBD2526Miami
Demetres Samuel JrCB4*4*2526Gators
Armondo BlountDT5*5*2425MiamiMiamiAlready getting PT his freshman year
Amaree WilliamsDE4*?2425FSUFSUUM likely would have made him a priority if he remained in the 25 class.
Ryan "Hollywood" WilliamsWR5*?2425BamaBama
Davon MitchellTE5*4*2425OklahomaOklahoma
Kevyn “Kerm” HumesCB4*24
TJ CapersDE/LB5*4*2324LouisvilleLouisvilleReclassified very late in the cycle (July) after an ACL. Much negativity on CIS about him being tweener
Austin JacksonQB4*3*2325Ole MissOle MissApparently old for his class and would've aged out. Had credits to graduate. Reclassified two years! Committed to the Gators then flipped to Ole Miss.
Antoine JacksonCB5*4*2324MiamiECUVery good FR year.
2024: in the portal
Desmond RicksCB5*23BamaBama
Donnel HarrisDE5*4*20A&MA&MDisappointing career and medically retired. Was a lot older than HS competition and undersized for college.
Tony GrimesCB5*4*2020UNCUNC2A&MContributed as a FR, started at UNC for a couple of years. Has not lived up to 5* potential. Many on CIS labeled him a bust.
2023: in the portal
2024: in the portal
Mark WaltonRB4*4*1515MiamiMiamiVery productive college career. Some legal issues in college and serious legal woes after being drafted by the NFL.
Austin Simmons* for Ole Miss

& one i forgot to post, 2025 CB Tarrion Grant reclassed & signed to 2024 in May.

Looks like Jaelen "Seatbelt" Waters is considering reclassifying 👇🏽
