Reclassifications: A Long Term Analysis

I feel like for skill positions like rb,wr,db i dont sweat it much but for qb, oline dline its more risky because of the consistent reps needed in real games plus for a dline the jump from hs to college in the trenches is probably the biggest adjustment

I think blount with a year or two can be a good player for sure he has the traits its on him and the coaches to get the potential out

Table updated. The fact that he flaked out and bailed before playing a down is probably something we should track. Sign of immaturity.

He didn't flake or show immaturity. He went to ECU to be with his gf and trusted that he can still make it to the league on his own ability. Stupid decision but not immature or running away from anything. He actually had a good year as a True Frosh for ECU. He tried to flip to ECU before signing with Miami, but I wouldn't be surprised if a bag was dropped to keep him cuz the staff thought he was worth it. Looks like he played someone cuz he took the bag, signed with Miami, then portaled out the first chance he got anyways.
@lindend didnt want to make an entire thread about asking for this but what about a

Flip Tracker thread

As well?

Could go back to the last two years under Mario if you want.


Blount flipped the other way (for now)

Last year we had

Horton the DT (I think)

Lew went the other way

I’m sure I’m forgetting some
JT Daniels

We offered Daniels, but we ever seriously recruit him? @Rellyrell or @Memnon do you remember?

His CIS thread is pretty sparse

Purely opinion from me but depends on the position for reclass and I believe DL isn’t one to do it as especially speaking on Blount case. I wouldn’t really expect him to ply next year unless he’s in college for spring ball he really needs to develop his body more. And he doesn’t seem like the type to want to RS so no matter where he goes he may hit the portal next year and really ruin his development
I would also add their actual age and what their correct class is. For example, Walton reclassified but it was back into his correct grade as he should have been a senior anyways but was held back at some point.
I would also add their actual age and what their correct class is. For example, Walton reclassified but it was back into his correct grade as he should have been a senior anyways but was held back at some point.
Excellent points. Added both columns. Problem with the age is this info doesn't seem to be readily available.
Walton reclassified but it was back into his correct grade as he should have been a senior anyways but was held back at some point.

Just checked an article, Donnell Harris was behind a grade also.
Unless they are going to age out of the sport they play, I think you let kids be kids. What is the rush?
I rediscovered QB Austin Jackson while looking for Donnell's age. He jumped ahead two classes! Forgot about that recruitment. Gators beat us out but he eventually flipped to Ole Miss.
Thread scope was tweaked to just guys we recruited
Yeah was gonna say this could get out of hand real quick if we try to track everyone.

Not overly concerned about the guys that reclassified 3+ years ago, pre NIL era. Still a relevant data point but feel like this is going to become such a common thing moving forward. Whereas before it was pretty rare to see.
The general consensus on CIS is that kids that reclassify often either are busts or don't live up to the hype. However, not a lot of hard evidence. After seeing a post from @Ghandi , @Gi0logy suggested that we create a thread to track this long term and see if the CIS hypothesis can be verified. Please post names of kids that have reclassified and we'll add them to the OP. Also, let me know if we should add any additional data to the table.

It could be that the skill position players can reclassify and live up to expectations while the big uglies need the time to mature. We'll see.

RecruitPositionAgeRating beforeRating AfterClassOriginal ClassNLISchoolPortalConsensus
Armondo BlountDT5*5*24
Amaree WilliamsDE4*?24
Ryan "Hollywood" WilliamsWR5*?24
Davon MitchellTE5*4*24
TJ CapersDE/LB5*4*23LouisvilleLouisvilleReclassified very late in the cycle (July) after an ACL. Much negativity on CIS about him being tweener
Austin JacksonQB4*3*2325Ole MissOle MissApparently old for his class and would've aged out. Had credits to graduate. Reclassified two years! Committed to the Gators then flipped to Ole Miss.
Antoine JacksonCB5*4*23MiamiECUVery good FR year.
Desmond RicksCB5*23BamaBama
Donnel HarrisDE5*4*20A&MA&MDisappointing career and medically retired. Was a lot older than HS competition and undersized for college.
Tony GrimesCB5*4*2020UNCUNCA&MContributed as a FR, started at UNC for a couple of years. Has not lived up to 5* potential. Many on CIS labeled him a bust.
Mark WaltonRB4*4*1515MiamiMiamiVery productive college career. Some legal issues in college and serious legal woes after being drafted by the NFL.
Well done. Back it with science!!! I say they all bust
Blount may be young, but I either read or heard that he was playing varsity football in 8th grade and he's obviously academically gifted given the 5.x GPA. You'd have to think that he would be a good reclassification candidate.
@lindend didnt want to make an entire thread about asking for this but what about a

Flip Tracker thread

As well?

Could go back to the last two years under Mario if you want.


Blount flipped the other way (for now)

Last year we had

Horton the DT (I think)

Lew went the other way

I’m sure I’m forgetting some

I'm warming up to this idea. I was very surprised when I finished tallying up the number of flips (eight) this cycle. Didn't expect that to be such a large percentage of the class.

What do you want to track? Whether or not they end up being impact players?