Ray Ray Sr. speaks


Nov 3, 2011
Posted on Sunday, 07.22.12
Ray-Ray Armstrong’s dad calls dismissal from Miami Hurricanes team ‘unfair’

The father of Ray-Ray Armstrong, who was thrown off the team last week, said UM used his son as a ‘sacrificial lamb’ for the NCAA.

The father of former University of Miami safety Ray-Ray Armstrong said even though his son initially lied to UM administrators, the school’s decision to throw him off the team is “unfair to extreme measures.”

In a phone interview late Saturday night, Albert Armstrong revealed the incident that led to UM dismissing his son from the team on Wednesday.

He said that Ray-Ray’s girlfriend, whom he declined to identify by name, owns a public relations firm that reportedly works with professional athletes.

He said his son’s girlfriend was staying at the Loews Hotel on Miami Beach during Memorial Day weekend, and while visiting her there, Ray-Ray took pictures of the hotel room and disseminated them via Instagram.

UM became aware of it and confronted Armstrong, who initially told the school he wasn’t there with the woman, his father said.

He said his son initially lied because “he felt pressured to be untruthful” and did not want to be suspended again after being suspended twice last year — one a four-game suspension for accepting impermissible benefits from Nevin Shapiro, and the other a one-game suspension for dining at Prime 112 with that same girlfriend, and then tweeting about it.

“She owns a P.R. firm, which is not illegal,” Albert Armstrong said.

“There’s no proof that she is affiliated with any agent. She is not.”

Albert Armstrong said Ray-Ray “told them the truth eventually” about the Loews Hotel incident, “but it was a day late and a dollar short.”

Still, Albert Armstrong said it did not warrant a dismissal from the team.

He said the decision was UM’s, not the NCAA’s, and that his son was “shocked.”

Though the NCAA cleared him for the Prime 112 incident, Albert Armstrong said he did not know if the NCAA would suspend Armstrong for one or multiple games for the Loews incident.

“If it wasn’t for the NCAA being involved with UM [in] the past year, we wouldn’t be talking about Ray-Ray being dismissed,” he said.

“They need a sacrificial lamb to show, ‘We’re putting our foot down.’”

Asked why his son publicized the Loews pictures via Instagram, Armstrong said, “He’s involved with 2012 social media. That’s what kids do.”

Armstrong said that Ray-Ray has been approached by 20 schools and will definitely play college football this fall.

UM declined to comment.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/...trongs-dad-calls-dismissal.html#storylink=cpy
Tough situation but the U cannot risk any F ups. Rr was warned to zip up his social media. He didnt.

Its his fault. He posted pictures before and got in trouble for it. Whether right or wrong, he put himself in that position by posting certain pictures, AGAIN
Tough situation, and what the father says makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, his son put himself in a lose-lose situation.......
To top off the fact that he did some dumb-*** **** by posting the picture in the first place, which is just thinking selfishly, was that he lied about it!!! The only reason people post **** like that on instagram is so they can say "LOOK AT ME", "LOOK AT THIS FANCY HOTEL IM STAYING AT!!" Im also sure he had some hashtags on the pic like

#LifeisGood #BallaStatus lol

You just can't be that stupid to think posting something like with everything going on is a good idea. Its just selfish, and that **** will not fly anymore under Golden. And shame on his father for not putting any blame on his son for not coming clean and then being a mutilple offender of doing dumb ****.
The reason Ray Ray lied, was because he realized he had once again, made one big, dumbassed mistake.

After the last time, he should have thrown his phone away.

But. He's got lots of time to spend with that girlfriend and play with his phone now. Good for Ray Ray.
So he felt pressured to lie because he had already ****ed up twice? And then lies about the third time only to eventually come clean? This is the definition of sacrificial lamb? LMFBO.

We know where Ray Ray gets his smarts from. Holy ******* ****.
smh. Don't feel bad for this guy at all. He made a stupid mistake after already being punished for past stupid mistakes. His "girlfriend" owns a public relations firm? lol. This whole situation is shady. Ray Ray was never a team first guy and he clearly had other things on his mind than the team. Good luck to him wherever he ends up. I'm just glad he won't play another snap at safety for the U.
How come every time we boot a kid their relatives bash us in the media, but when other schools do it nothing is ever heard? (rhetorical question)
He messed up once too many times and he had to go. Can't have kids openly and publicly ******* up like that in the times we are in.
Said it once, I'll say it again....Randy was right about banning social media. Absolutely no good can come from it.
Ray Ray's dad doesn't seem to get it either.

Really Armstrongs? Seriously? The kid was disciplined once for something, and he basically does it again, while the microscope is on the program.

Why is he even involved with someone who could jeopardize his eligibility? Come on, dude.