Ray Ray Jersey change permanently?

x did it sometimes, braxton didnt--- no other school throws a XXL jersey on a PR lol (when its not needed at all)
Was there a defensive player who wore 8 when Berrios was returning punts?


Explain @TheOriginalCane

What is happening on this play? It looks like guy catches a punt and then runs all the way to the end zone.
Was there a defensive player who wore 8 when Berrios was returning punts?
no that would be a flag

ray ray doesnt need to wear 35 when clark isnt in the game during the 4th down play lol

and yet we have people saying its a rule when last week... you dont see #11 on texas wearing a xxl #43 returning punts
Star player rtflmao. The on ly star wide receiver is X and he's going to the NFL
So many drive by porsters who cannot recognize sarcasm when it drags across their faces. Next time I will start the post by saying “For those posters with IQs between 69 and 96, the following contains element(s) of humor for amusement purposes only.”

Explain @TheOriginalCane

I really want @TheOriginalCane to explain how this happened since he knows all the rules and wants to fight for the right for people to change their jerseys
Still don't get why he was wearing 35 when I literally never saw CJ Clark in on PR. Also put the fat kid in the jersey, not the main ******* Punt Returner lol.

I mean I get it what if Clark was in on the previous 3rd down... It's much easier just having the wr/or have the jersey in cause it's guaranteed not to have problems, but man that **** was disgusting.
I look at that 35 jersey and think, "no one is gonna house a kick or punt in that ****** thing, not ever."