

Mar 7, 2012
Thought I was over it, but this **** makes me a lot sadder than it should.

I miss this place. I'll never forget the electricity in the air before big games. The place had to be haunted or actually alive. "In The Air Tonight" for a big night game was a guaranteed **** tingling experience. And let a team operate out of the West End Zone during an important drive. They must've thought they were playing against a team from prison, and the fellow inmates were the fans.










Place sucked....Sun life sucks as well though for other reasons
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I have many amazing memory's of watching games there and many fun times but that doesn't make it a good stadium
If I want comfort, I'll stay at home with my own flat screen, couch, kitchen, and *******. The atmosphere at that place moar than made up for the surrounding deterioration.
If I want comfort, I'll stay at home with my own couch, kitchen, and *******. The atmosphere at that place moar than made up for the surrounding deterioration.


I think it added to the aura of the place. It fit the vibe of all our great teams. It terrified visiting fans and players. The place felt like it was going to collapse at any moment. Pipes were leaking. It was a nightmare. It added to the homefield advantage. I ******* loved that place.
It's whatever you want it to be. I think it was a wonderful place in time and I miss it dearly.
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After all the great moments that happened there over the years, the place deserved better than to be neglected for so long. At the end the place was literally falling apart and it wasn't anything close to what it once was.
On the night of November 10th, 2007 I talked Mrs. Peruche into taking home a piece of the "Ole Lady" to enjoy for the rest of our lives....... We sat in these seats for years and now they live again in our home office........ We collect a lot of art & antiques but these will always be my most prized piece.......



I miss the old place. Went there since the early 50s.

I also miss the ladies coming into the men's room to pee. Haven't had that happen yet at Joe Robbie. :quag:
it surprises me to hear any canes fan say that they didnt like the OB. was it a run down, dilapidated, outdated, old **** hole? absolutely and i dont think anybody will try and deny that. but that was part of what added to the appeal of the place.

for any first timer just driving there could resemble driving through beirut but you quickly realize that it isnt nearly that bad, but the visitors (players included), especially from places like blacksburg who have never seen anything like it, it was intimidating and probably scared the **** out of them. once getting there, parking on the front lawn of some barely english speaking cuban with a "no blockee" sign is something we all loved and looked forward to. this again was something that absolutely paranoid the **** out of many visitors. so before even going inside the stadium the mere surroundings had already started to swing the momentum. then once you walked inside it was magic. starting with running through the smoke. that got the crowd going and the noise, especially in the WEZ hit levels ive never heard in any other stadium in my lifetime. the metal flooring and large overhang just held the noise and the reverberation was insane. the fact that you didnt know if the floor was gonna collapse under you or the upper deck would fall on top of you was part of the aura. running out of water, ice and pretty much everything during some of the extreme heat and having to stand in an inch of **** just to take a leak during the 2nd half of the games werent the greatest of experiences, but they were unique to our home. then seeing opposing fans leaving after a night time beating, dejected, heads hanging and then walking back outside and looking over their shoulder thinking they were going to get mugged was always a great way to cap off a good night. there was no other place like it in the country and there will likely never be a place like it again. the OB provided the ultimate in home field advantage. for me though my favorite part was always the pregame, the OB was a great tailgate atmosphere and a great way to start a good day of football.
never walked into the orange bowl thinking we would lose. Never walk into sun life thinking we will win.