R.I.P. JoJo Nicolas

My best friend died in a similar manner last year....car crash on his birthday. This is terrible for his friends and family. RIP
My best friend died in a similar manner last year....car crash on his birthday. This is terrible for his friends and family. RIP

I work on the fire dept and just ran a call identical to that last week in the middle of the night. Very sad..... haven't seen anything solid confirming he passed so if he's still alive Pull throughJoJo if not may God Bless Him and take care of him
EDIT: Googled it and it is called an ICC for Interstate Commerce Commission as the feds required them to prevent cars from driving under the back of trucks decapitating passengers.

I might be wrong, but I believe that bar was put there precisely to stop cars from getting sheared off and I believe it is a federal law for all 18-wheelers to have one.

I remember reading about it, but could be wrong.



Prayers are with him and his family!

****, didn't that semi have the bar which is supposed to prevent this type of accident

That bar is called an ICC bumper, and no. It isn't meant to stop cars from running up underneath it. When they are traveling at a high rate of speed.

The purpose of an ICC bumper is to stop the trailer from moving from a loading dock. Some places have a claw that is engaged from the inside of the dock. When the loading ramp is lowered. That grasp onto the bumper. This is to stop movement of the trailer when a forklift goes onto it.
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@TheStateOfTheU: JoJo Nicholas' mother is saying he has not passed. I will not comment further or speculate at this time.

Please continue to pray for him.
Sad day. I will remember him for being a selfless player that did whatever it took for the betterment of the team.