This is real simple & people make it more than what it is. If you're not aware COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS A HUGE BUSINESS! some places (sec who doesn't have to deal with legitimate concerns from the ncaa reprisals)are far more invested in it than others... everyone thinks this kid doesn't want to be here oh boo hoo... reality is this & feel free to judge but as a inner city kid who comes from next to nothing or meager at best surroundings what do you realistically expect these kids to say when Nick savant flus a chopper in to drop you off your new car keys,to drop you 200k in cash,to give your family the keys & paperwork to a new house... when Kirby smart hands you 350k... What then? You're all **** liars if you judge these children who are forced to make that call. For some it's a simple game to collect for visits & tweets etc till signing day knowing these people paid upfront. Only so much they can do without ****ing themselves than others just take the easy route...
So legit question on this... when Richt was at GA how much was he playing those same games? We talk about all of the other schools doing it (and I don't doubt that it happens at all), but when Richt was at GA, he did pretty well recruiting in a conf the NCAA 'doesn't care about enforcing' (I think it's more that those schools don't have turncoat boosters) and where Kirby Smart 'hands you 350K', I find it hard to believe he was not doing the same games. And if so, then he must have some pretty conflicted feelings right now.
No way RICHT cheated at Ga and no way he gonna cheat at Miami. For those that want a cheater for head coach you got the wrong man. He is competitive as can be but does it within the rules.
Lol at this
I don't believe Richt cheated, I do believe people close to the teams give out money though.
I would be very surprised if this were wide spread. There's simply too much at stake. UGA and UM will always get recruits, money or not. But bag men put the whole project in jeopardy, as we well know. Are there Shapiro's out there? Sure. Is it common practice by boosters at the big programs? No. Social media and big mouths make it a bad deal - as it should be.