Question on Bowl prep?

Cancel a football game because some players have the sniffles?
If that. You know, I'd understand if this crap was killing healthy people left and right, but it's not. We would have been better off as a human race if we just let it run its course naturally. Why do that when some people could make billions in profit? Never let a crisis go to waste.
If that. You know, I'd understand if this crap was killing healthy people left and right, but it's not. We would have been better off as a human race if we just let it run its course naturally. Why do that when some people could make billions in profit? Never let a crisis go to waste.
Jesus tapdancing Christ. Hey mods, first burn this one with fire, but secondly I have multiple good friends who are still dealing with this sh*t a year plus later and either can't work or have to change careers and drastically change their lifestyle and were perfectly healthy when they got it so your hypothesis is hot garbage.
Beat me to it.

One day we’re all going to have to do this. I am definitely not looking forward to this.

I realize this is highly off-topic, but a few weeks ago they talked about this on the Howard Stern show, about how there are now some pills you can take and you don't have to do all of the nasty prep.

And now, back to the original topic. So, bowl it all canceled due to COVID?
Philadelphia 76Ers Basketball GIF

Philadelphia 76Ers Basketball GIF
the very best! dude brought it... No filter to Allen I!
Jesus tapdancing Christ. Hey mods, first burn this one with fire, but secondly I have multiple good friends who are still dealing with this sh*t a year plus later and either can't work or have to change careers and drastically change their lifestyle and were perfectly healthy when they got it so your hypothesis is hot garbage.
I don't tap dance.

Your Lord and Saviour,
if you polled the players and gave them the option of spending NYE in El Paso or miami, im not sure you'll be surprised at the results.
No but you're a keyboard public health expert who missed your calling to tell people we didn't need to improve sanitation during the Black Death or just let polio run it's natural course and see how many kids can be crippled for life. Seek mental help.
I just had a brother in law AND father in law die within 3 days of each other, from heart attacks, and the hospital called them COVID deaths. So if I come across as insensitive to your feelings, then good.
As stated above, if you tested positive today you’re good for the bowl game. I had both shots plus the booster and still got it earlier this month. I was sick for 1 day, they also have antibody drips that they can give you if your symptoms are more severe. The rest of the team that are negative just have to monitor, in NJ they said it’s only 7 days now for vaccinated people. I work in a school so we’re dealing with this daily
Jesus tapdancing Christ. Hey mods, first burn this one with fire, but secondly I have multiple good friends who are still dealing with this sh*t a year plus later and either can't work or have to change careers and drastically change their lifestyle and were perfectly healthy when they got it so your hypothesis is hot garbage.
Your anecdotal is far worst and just as hypothetical...