QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

Mario is handicap when it comes to all things that he considers “easy”. Nothing is worth it or satisfying to him that doesn’t involve a ton of adversity and countless 18 hour days

When it comes to the portal Mario thinks his charm and wit or whatever it is that allows him to recruit HS kids and their families so great will work the same in both situations.But he needs to quickly ( a word I don’t think he has a clue even exists.) understand that the portal recruiting is a whole different ballgame and his charm wit,or whatever it is he uses recruiting HS kids doesn’t work well with the portal cause you don’t have months upon months to charm the kids and the family it’s a situation where a HC has to decide QUICKLY if a kid is worth the money , can he help the team in the short term ( most kids are 1 maybe 2 year rentals) and how quickly can a decision be reached cause if a recruit can’t decide then you have to make up your mind to move on to your second/third option ( that hopefully you have).

Mario usually doesn’t have 2nd/3rd options because he thinks he’s a recruiting servant when it comes to recruiting so when it comes to the portal that’s why he will never be as good at navigating it as some other coaches that don’t possess anywhere near his talent and success rate with HS kids.That and the fact he’s seemingly so slow at making a decision . A scenario when I think of Mario and recruiting is Mario would make a great cross-country runner ( HS recruiting ) but will never make a great sprinter ( portal).

I just hope Zo or Rad or anyone else that might have a little influence on what he does or thinks can make him understand that the portal is like speed dating and quick marriages where you hope you got the right girl from the jump and not 2-3 year romances that lead up to an eventual marriage where you can take your time learning all the nuances of the girl you pick.
Mario’s getting the level of interest from QB’s that he’s earned based on his track record. He’s had two seasons here to change that narrative.

I’m not in the least bit surprised. At this point Tua is a home run based on what’s transpiring. Otherwise, hope we catch lightning in a bottle with a rapid jump from a less proven commodity, whether on the roster now or one of these Poffenbarger/Sluka types in the portal.
I envision Mario walking around with a briefcase full of money and nobody will take it.
