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Didn’t @apfenny3 say a while ago that Cam needed to do some maturing on and off the field. I’m starting to see why now. Who is waiting weeks for a transfer qb to decide if they really want to come or not that’s how you end up with no qb
He did say that. And that was prior to Cam even setting up a visit here and the whole fiasco. But he had a business relationship with him at one point that may have soured, so could be some bias. But fenny has always sounded like a reasonable dude, I’d like to hear his opinion now.

He did say that. And that was prior to Cam even setting up a visit here and the whole fiasco. But he had a business relationship with him at one point that may have soured, so could be some bias. But fenny has always sounded like a reasonable dude, I’d like to hear his opinion now.
The article from some other site quotes his dad tonight as saying he (Ward) got NFL feedback last year that he needed to improve his leadership. They (the wards) believe he demonstrated improvement this year. So this sorta tracks as to what that agent porster said.
“He understands they might get somebody Monday”

Cam literally just gave us the deadline. Appears he has until Sunday to make his decision.
Based on that quote from pops, seems like we gave him a deadline. Ultimately him taking two visits and a total of 1 week to pick a home is not really as big of a circus as many are making it seem

Sounds like we have a plan either way, just enjoy your weekends with all this incredible recruiting momentum and we’ll have a qb in a few days
More like Cŭm Word. This selfish prick has the great patriots of CIS neglecting their families and livelihoods as we wear our thumbs to the bone pounding the refessh button around the clock as he needlessly lives in the lap of luxury at a Tallahassee Ramada. We deserve better. I hope the kid chokes on his silver platter of Pokey Stix as he's wined and dined by dirty Nole money.

I'm over it. Go get Jeff Simms and let's be great. If he's half the QB that Chris or Phil were then we're instantly in that 12 team mix next year.
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