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This fanbase is amazing. Never seen so many dudes just waiting to pounce and blame the coaches for literally anything. They shot their shot, it didn’t work out and we move on and hope to get other options. Miserable a-holes around here.

Yeah, I try not to engage but it’s hard. It’s like when you just want to shake someone because you’re not really sure they can actually be that braindead so you’re trying to jumpstart the hamster on the wheel or something.

Nobody got him. It’s not like the staff lost to fsu or Auburn etc. He went to the league. IMO it’s an awful decision, but it’s the one he made. So nobody gets him, Miami included. Go get someone else. It’s not that complicated.
The writing has been on the wall for over a week that this dude wasn’t coming. I hope the UM staff was smart enough to see this.
Can’t really fault Mario and staff for going after the biggest qb target in the portal. Not their fault that he took forever to decide to be a day 2-3 draft pick. Pretty much every other option that was on the board when he visited is still available. As insiders have said, they knew this was a possibility and were exploring other options in the meantime
I was the one that called it a circus.

Visiting two schools (one that every insider on here said he doesn’t have any actual interest in), saying a commitment is coming by/around/whatever Christmas, having a haggling war with your preferred school who is already offering you (reportedly) more money than anyone else, filming a documentary only to spurn the schools who recruited you to go be a third day pick in the draft gives me circus vibes.
Is it possible that Ward himself never wanted to return to college? That those around him - family, etc- wanted him to "go through the process" to see what kind of pay day they could get? He never seem to really be engaged by the whole process.

Some of these guys just want to be done with school and he clearly has a high opinion of his abilities.
It had gotten to the point where if he regressed at all Mario might have to run the triple option because no QBs would come.

You guys are taking it well. Thought it was gonna be Armageddon on here. On to the next.
We’re at the “Ward is a cancer and not as good as the other options” stage of grief right now.

If Howard commits to Ohio State, we’ll enter the “KJ was my #1 choice all along” portion of grief.

Real ones can see right through these spins. This story is all too familiar.
Been on the Will Howard train since day one.

Once this dragged out it was obvious to me this kid was playing us and was not worth the headache. In a way we dodged a bullet. The kid never wanted to be here.

I just want to win games.

Cam is a talented QB. I never saw Mario and Camp Cam meshing well, but held at hope that it would mean Mario lightened up and Cam matured. For all involved, I hope that’s still the case.

Now. Next! Let’s go get the kid from Memphis, just don’t tell us he was one 1C on the war room board the whole time…
Cribby info is likely coming from the Miami side, and not the ward family. He can only relay to us what Miami is hearing. It's obvious at this point that Miami got duped and lied to.
How? It was Miami or NFL the entire time.
A lot of things for me can be true

Mario sucks at recruiting QBs
Ward could have had us contending for the playoffs next year
I’m not sad to lose out on him

Just depends on how it ends up of course, but I’m just not sure how many viable options there are that are clear upgrades over TVD

We will see I guess
We’re at the “Ward is a cancer and not as good as the other options” stage of grief right now.

If Howard commits to Ohio State, we’ll enter the “KJ was my #1 choice all along” portion of grief.

Real ones can see right through these spins. This story is all too familiar.
I'd like to state for the record I have been asking for KJ since November
We’re at the “Ward is a cancer and not as good as the other options” stage of grief right now.

If Howard commits to Ohio State, we’ll enter the “KJ was my #1 choice all along” portion of grief.

To be fair @apfenny3 was alluding to this before Ward was even interested in the OG thread two years ago

Maybe everyone else coping tho
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