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Let me guess, we are waiting to sign guys from the portal until after the CFFPOs to see if the entire Michigan team becomes available................right? :hammering-head:
Agree with everything you said, but I think it's important to note that Cribby did say "IMO" - and while it may be correct, optics cannot be the only reason for such tunnel vision - I just can't get there. Alonzo and the rest of the staff (and once again here I am basing this only on opinion) wouldn't simply go after a guy only due to optics - they clearly feel he's head and shoulders above the others available in the portal talent-wise.
My understanding is there were split views internally. I don't know much, so take that for the near-zero value it's worth. Personally, I think Ward is the best "playmaker" of the options mentioned, but I also think Howard would have been a solid enough fit. As I said elsewhere, I think Howard is likely Dawson's dream QB on "paper." In any case, I'm hesitant to believe we'd get more aggressive, play with more tempo, and open things up (as much as many of us want) with any QB option.
Seems like one way or the other we will have an answer as to what the plan is when this dead period lifts. I think I saw that this would be Jan 11th that it lifts and we can start having visitors again. If we start seeing visits lined up, we will know what's up. Until then, insiders have maintained that Ward is the top guy on Mario's board and they have indicated it's us or the NFL. Ward only has until Jan 15th to decide on the NFL for this year so we will see what happens in the next couple weeks regardless.
We dumb for waiting around. He is stringing this along to go somewhere else. If he wanted to be in Miami he would have locked in.

We donā€™t know that. None of them have signed. Does that make other top schools idiots too? Everyone is a fool except for you and I?
My understanding is there were split views internally. I don't know much, so take that for the near-zero value it's worth. Personally, I think Ward is the best "playmaker" of the options mentioned, but I also think Howard would have been a solid enough fit. As I said elsewhere, I think Howard is likely Dawson's dream QB on "paper." In any case, I'm hesitant to believe we'd get more aggressive, play with more tempo, and open things up (as much as many of us want) with any QB option.
Agreed - Howard seemed to me to be a more natural fit for what it seems Dawson wants to do schematically. And the philosophy is the philosophy, although one can hope, right?
I said at the beginning that money wonā€™t stop Miami and Mario from getting who they want. My question is how much does Ward want from Miami?
Miami has long had the most favorable NIL, but after yesterdayā€™s game, that premium prolly went up another 500k/1mil.
its obvious ward doesnt want miami
I think we may be looking at Ward as some rescuer of the program and after watching last night's game we need more than a QB. With only Ward we still have the potential to win maybe 8 games.
The expectation gonna be so high
I just hope that when the 9 finally lets us know she doesn't want to go home with us, that there are a couple of 7s left at the bar that havent been scooped up yet. A Ward in the hand is worth 2 in the bush and all.
In any case, I'm hesitant to believe we'd get more aggressive, play with more tempo, and open things up (as much as many of us want) with any QB option.
Because Mario wonā€™t allow Dawson to do it I assume not because Dawson doesnā€™t want to?
Ironically, we were better off as a progam had we not played yesterday. The so-called benefits of playing in a bowl game were negated by the actual perforamnce in bowl game. In just 60 mins all of the off-season momentum came to a crashing halt and the proverbial ā€œwe suck againā€ became our calling.
Yes but the important thing is that Lou Cristobal got to play in a bowl game.
Who here waited till the deadline to select your college? Nope, you sent the paperwork to the one you really wanted as soon as you got that acceptance letter. This is no different. We are not Ward's dream school. We may be the highest bidder...........................
Who here waited till the deadline to select your college? Nope, you sent the paperwork to the one you really wanted as soon as you got that acceptance letter. This is no different. We are not Ward's dream school. We may be the highest bidder...........................
I donā€™t know about you, but I didnā€™t have colleges bidding against each other to sign me.
Who here waited till the deadline to select your college? Nope, you sent the paperwork to the one you really wanted as soon as you got that acceptance letter. This is no different. We are not Ward's dream school. We may be the highest bidder...........................
Thatā€™s it. Needs to be a match or he will just go through the motions, collect his check and bounce
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