Proof of Randomness in College Baseball

The gem season of Morris' last nine years is one in which he gave up 25 runs on the biggest stage to a hated rival. That's his BEST season out of the past nine.

I don't think that's true so you just go with it if you want.

Well Tiny, you just lost. Time to shut the light out in Mom's basement and go to bed. Canes lost to UF in the 2015 CWS by a combined score of 25-5. If you were the great fan you propose yourself to be you would know that.

Mic drop...BOOM

Well Tiny, you just lost. Time to shut the light out in Mom's basement and go to bed. Canes lost to UF in the 2015 CWS by a combined score of 25-5. If you were the great fan you propose yourself to be you would know that.

Mic drop...BOOM

Read those posts again, think tank.

You're hopeless.

And corny as ****. You're making even your allies cringe.
However, what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years? What is our win percentage in the last two CWS? What is the combined score in the when we played UF in the 2015 CWS? That is the measuring stick.

So the measuring stick is the combined run total in two games in 2015?

Yeah, you're definitely plugged in.

Okay I'll play along...

As asked:
what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years?
What is our win percentage in the last two CWS?
What is the combined score of each team when we played UF in the 2015 CWS?
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However, what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years? What is our win percentage in the last two CWS? What is the combined score in the when we played UF in the 2015 CWS? That is the measuring stick.

So the measuring stick is the combined run total in two games in 2015?

Yeah, you're definitely plugged in.

Okay I'll play along...

As asked:
what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years?
What is our win percentage in the last two CWS?
What is the combined score in the when we played UF in the 2015 CWS?

Things like that don't matter because at that point it's "random". As though being owned by Florida for a decade is just arbitrary.
However, what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years? What is our win percentage in the last two CWS? What is the combined score in the when we played UF in the 2015 CWS? That is the measuring stick.

So the measuring stick is the combined run total in two games in 2015?

Yeah, you're definitely plugged in.

Okay I'll play along...

As asked:
what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years?
What is our win percentage in the last two CWS?
What is the combined score of each team when we played UF in the 2015 CWS?

And also, look it up yourself.

I'm tired of doing all of the work for you clowns.

You and tcgrad are two of the laziest professional whiners that I've encountered.

At least Jagr looks up his own fabricated stats.
As though being owned by Florida for a decade is just arbitrary.

It is.

Being owned by Florida for a decade doesn't preclude a team from being highly successful.

You get these simple things wrong more than anybody on this forum.

Except, of course, when the team that owns you also happens to be the team eliminating you from the post-season. Who would care about that?

But who cares about post-season, right? We won the COASTAL!! TWICE!! And Jim was fantastic in 2001. And Gino fixed everything before we batted .231.
But who cares about post-season, right? We won the COASTAL!! TWICE!! And Jim was fantastic in 2001. And Gino fixed everything before we batted .231.

Now you're just filibustering because you're out of lies to tell.

I've seen if many times.

Nothing I've written is a lie. You may not like the numbers, or you may not think they're relevant, but they're all true.

But all we know for sure is that Jim Morris is the best coach in America to not make the 2017 tournament, bar none.
However, what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years? What is our win percentage in the last two CWS? What is the combined score in the when we played UF in the 2015 CWS? That is the measuring stick.

So the measuring stick is the combined run total in two games in 2015?

Yeah, you're definitely plugged in.

Okay I'll play along...

As asked:
what is our win percentage vs UF in the last five years?
What is our win percentage in the last two CWS?
What is the combined score of each team when we played UF in the 2015 CWS?

And also, look it up yourself.

I'm tired of doing all of the work for you clowns.

You and tcgrad are two of the laziest professional whiners that I've encountered.

At least Jagr looks up his own fabricated stats.

Of course you add nothing. You asked me for insight and I gave it. I asked you for stats and you turn back again to name calling. I thought that you wanted a debate but I guess not. Proceed with name calling and keyboard tough guy all you want without me. If you want to debate let me know
Because you joined this board way too late. You were still cheerleading on Grassy.

So you're not claiming that you called this missed postseason in 2012?

You're too much.

I was too busy being right on Grassy and then came over here to be right as well. Just as you were whiffing every single day on your predictions.
Because you joined this board way too late. You were still cheerleading on Grassy.

So you're not claiming that you called this missed postseason in 2012?

You're too much.

I was too busy being right on Grassy and then came over here to be right as well. Just as you were whiffing every single day on your predictions.

Yes, I did say that the program was on the decline and on its way to missing the post-season. I said that in 2012. And I was right. The signs were there.

You're so "right" that you held off on making a new screen name for the entire season because you couldn't defend that mess known as a college baseball team.

And you're so "right" about Gino DiMare's miraculous comeback that we watched a putrid roster (recruiting coordinator) put up numbers that literally fell in the bottom ten in the country (hitting coach). Gino for Life.

While you guys are talking about all that success we had in 2015 and 2016, you forget that the 2017 roster had to be planned for and assembled in 2015 and 2016. So maybe those seasons weren't so successful after all. Lazy and complacent. "Kids will come to us" mentality.
Yes, I did say that the program was on the decline and on its way to missing the post-season. I said that in 2012. And I was right. The signs were there.

The only thing we have is your word and that's not worth much.

I don't have to rely on such things because most people remember you flopping epically every single day over the last 2+ years.

So getting better each and every year for 4 straight years constitutes "the signs being there" for a missed postseason?

You're like a caricature of yourself now.
You're so "right" that you held off on making a new screen name for the entire season because you couldn't defend that mess known as a college baseball team.

This is the richest of all your claims.

So I keep getting banned, involuntarily, by a bunch of goofball rent-a-cops and somehow that's my fault? I never shied away from talking about this topic. In fact I tried to get reinstated under my previous names for awhile. Of course nobody did anything and despite running out of email addresses I still came back even after the postseason streak ended.

I have more honesty and integrity in my left nut than you have in your entire being. You're the guy who completely ignores inconvenient truths but instantly posts about a one-off outlier that "proves" your point.

You're also the guy who sent PM's to a banned account knowing full well that the poster couldn't respond.

I don't need any such advantages. I can take you as is.
And you're so "right" about Gino DiMare's miraculous comeback that we watched a putrid roster (recruiting coordinator) put up numbers that literally fell in the bottom ten in the country (hitting coach). Gino for Life.


You see I can actually recall in 2012 when tcgrad (and others) whined aloud about Jim Morris not doing anything to address the situation. I said that the change had already been made the year before when he fired Mercadante and brought back Gino. I also understand that recruiting coordinators can't fix roster issues in 10 months. It takes a couple of years.

Fast forward to 2014-16 and any honest person will attest that I was certainly more on target than any of you goons.

But we shouldn't expect anything more of you. When push comes to shove, you always pull out single sample sizes. You are incapable of doing anything else.

So you ignore the successes of 2014-16 and just focus on 2017 in order to crush Gino. That's what people like you do. If you wait long enough you can claim victory in any circumstance.
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While you guys are talking about all that success we had in 2015 and 2016, you forget that the 2017 roster had to be planned for and assembled in 2015 and 2016. So maybe those seasons weren't so successful after all. Lazy and complacent. "Kids will come to us" mentality.

The successes that you completely ignore. You have yet to even acknowledge those seasons. You detest them with all of your being.

Rational people understand that the nature of baseball recruiting, and the makeup of those rosters, was going to lead to a challenging 2017. It's not that they didn't have a plan. It's that the plan went off the rails based on a number of things that we've already discussed.

Adults (like me) understand nuance and can deal with it. Infants like yourself just ignore vast amounts of success and dwell on one season.

You're so transparent.