Presidential Rumors are swirling

Another factor is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...Frenk is a confidant of Carlos Slim, who is one of the wealthiest men in the world. He could double Momentums 1 and 2 with the money he has lost in the sofas at his mansions.
Let's see... Frenk is in the health care field, has Harvard connections, and speaks fluent Spanish.... If I had my guess, it would be him. He might do good things on the medical side, but what about athletics?

his job is to run a school not to be an AD. hopefully the next pres hires a new AD (a real one)
A Hispanic? He's in. Won't give 2 damns about CFB. Close the program. Maybe the beisbol team gets some attention. Will like Larranaga because he's a "bro". We ain't winnin' chit in football anymore. R. I. P., your six time (YES, SIX, you Ohio SOBS!) NC Miami Hurricanes. Fun while it lasted. Just wish I could have seen ONE DAMNED GAME when we were on top.

Ain't it great to be Johns Hopkins South, folks? We'll have a great soccer team just like the JHU has a great lacrosse team. Hurray for "gentlemen's sports" that only nerds care about!
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Not racism. Just pure common sense. Miami is a Hispanic city. I believe there is a push to make UM the premier "University of the Americas" as it is at a crossroads between North and South America. This would be a potentially very successful and important move for the school. Unfortunately such plans don't give a chit about the school's athletic programs. We'll be lucky to retain basketball and baseball. Football will go the way it did at U of Chicago, Fordham, NYU, and others: an afterthought and a memory. In this case it will happen because it isn't a game that is played or understood in the rest of the Americas except to a minor extent in Canada. ( HI, Japicky!)

Have always feared this would eventually happen at UM. It seems inevitable.

Sickening, but it is what is it. Just wish I could have seen one more great Miami football team before this sad end, but we're certainly not winning anything worthwhile with Golden.
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I'm sensing a hint of racism.

I get so tired of the lazy practice of calling perceived slights to Hispanics as Racism...Yes, I agree he is being mocked, but because of his ethnicity, not his race.

Like many Mexicans, probably Mestizo, meaning Caucasian in the classic sense.

Here is a clip; sounds very much like Donna:

Staying with the Clinton theme: The coaching, stupid.

Another Dean Wormer in the Admin will not doom the program. What's needed is to luck into a legit coach and stack Florida talent.
I don't know about this. UM's campus is the least hispanic place in all of Miami. If you want to know where the majority of the blonde white women are in Miami, go take a stroll on campus, lol. They've got a pipeline to the northeast and midwest, other than that, it's alot of Asians and Arabs.
Staying with the Clinton theme: The coaching, stupid.

Another Dean Wormer in the Admin will not doom the program. What's needed is to luck into a legit coach and stack Florida talent.

What is needed is an actual AD with some backbone who has real power to make decisions.
I don't know about this. UM's campus is the least hispanic place in all of Miami. If you want to know where the majority of the blonde white women are in Miami, go take a stroll on campus, lol. They've got a pipeline to the northeast and midwest, other than that, it's alot of Asians and Arabs.

Miami has been designated by some reports as the most diverse university in the country. That being said, it is in a mostly Hispanic area and in a geographic position that puts it at a crossroads between North and South America. The Hispanics will call the shots in this area.